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TW: None

Icarus is a Greek mythology story from which he is told that he "flew too close to the sun" but it is no story when Tommy was Icarus, and he had already fallen. The teen soared with wax wings, yet as he darted nearer and grew older, he flew too close to the sun and now fell to the depths of the ocean below.

He stares at the poster: Minecraft Championship: Literary Competition!! Tomorrow Wednesday! GO SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE WRITER!

He was not prepared to fall again, Tommy was still Icarus once more, about to fly with his wax wings, and away from the labyrinth Dedaleus created.

Sam was at his side, he had shown Tommy the poster, and the teacher personally was there to wish the teen 'good luck' and share a bit of criticism and advice. "Tommy, you'll do great. You're a smart kid, and a very talented writer, you have a big chance to win." He patted the teen's golden locks, chuckling lightly whilst Tommy continued to stare at the poster.

Theseus, a name given to him by Techno who was, at the time (and possibly still is), very engrossed in mythology. He was the one who told him he was like Theseus, which the older man also said wasn't a compliment when the man faced a brutal death in his exile.

He grew to understand Theseus, but he knew he was also Icarus when Techno had left him, the man probably did too with his obsession with mythology.

He knows their connections, the way he was alike those tragic heroes in a sense (not in a sense that he had a hero complex) but they were like him; their stories of tragedy, that was Tommy.

They were all praised and loved, yet the people never had a single clue on what it feels to be them. What it feels like to be casted away to waste in a land that wasn't their own, what it feels like to be happy then drop to your demise because you were much to ignorant, what it felt like to suffer too young or too old. 

They were helpless, the stories were all meant to be tragic, there was no other way, there was no happy ending for them! (Tommy would prove them wrong.)

Tommy stopped his trance, Minecraft Championships was tomorrow, Tommy wanted to stay back with the club but yeah, he needs to figure out his own plans for the event.

Minecraft Championships: Literary Competition was a subcontest in the main MCC alongside other talents, or gifts, or skills (i.e. Sports, Singing, Baking, etcetera) so winning that will put you against winners of the other subcontests, It was weird to battle it out with different skills and talents but mcc was supposed to show which talent excelled most. So basically which person did their talent better than the other people did theirs.

The writing contest specifically puts contestants in a room, where they'll use any and every medium to write something about a given prompt. The deadline would be throughout the rest of the week until monday (Which is when MCC subcontests were to end). Tommy was excited about that.

He hoped the prompt was something Tommy was great at writing.

He knew how ambiguous and open-ended the prompts were, as he read about it from his mother's journal.

In Lady Death's era of MCC, The prompt was simple: Flowers

It was one word

No further explanation

And Lady Death rolled along with the prompt.

Kristen was able to write a whole ass story, with a very good plot about death?? With the prompt of flowers. She was able to write something so different yet still had big ties with flowers.

Tommy wanted to do something like that.

And he will be damned if he didn't. (He liked to be a bit theatrical with his projects)

He was confident (He refuses to remind himself that said confidence led him to fall before) and he was sure he was going to win, he had to win, if not to prove to everyone who watched him fall that he would rise again as the son of death. The son who failed and died of tragedy and was reborn to something new.

MCC was his chance, his moment. His time to prove he was worth something.

He found himself as a greek myth with a tragic fall yet he was back to prove that he would fly this time.

He pulled himself out of his thoughts, stepping back from the poster and nodding to Sam "I'll be fine big man." the older didn't really believe it, but he was talking to Tommy, he was a genius, he was no doubt going to crush the competition.  

"Good luck on the competition tomorrow, kid." Sam spoke once more, moving to walk away. The man was going to be judging alongside others for the literary competition, he had high hopes for the young blond. "I'll see you tomorrow Tommy" he patted the teen's golden locks once more and walked away to his classroom. 

Tommy walked away as well, he had to get to maths class.

Icarus would fly this time.

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