Storia Grafi

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TW: Swearing

When Tommy met the literary circle, he was surprised, to say the least.
Ok, let's back up a bit before he met the literary circle.

School had ended and the final bell rang, Tommy was about to head over to find Sam, possibly find out where Ranboo and Tubbo went since the blonde hadn't seen the duo the whole day.

"Hey Sam" Tommy was still confused about where his friends went but that can wait, hopefully.
"Ready to meet the circle?" The two walked side by side to the forest that was a part of the school from what Sam told Tommy.

While the two were walking, they spotted- well more like Tommy saw it; sam was busy admiring how fascinated the young blonde was with the area, a small cabin between all the trees, a lake directly to its right, and a big willow tree on the right where Tommy's favorite flowers were seen.

"Holy shit.." He muttered under his breath, mesmerized by the sight, what he didn't see was Sam opening the front door. "Tommy! Let's go meet the rest of the" The green-haired male called out for Tommy, bringing him out of the trance he was in.

He stood awkwardly by the door, watching each person go up to meet him "Everyone! Meet Thomas Innit Craft-" Sam was cut off by said person "-Call me Tommy, please" everyone there either chuckled, tried to hide their laugh and failed or hid their laugh and succeeded; sam continued after the quick correction "He's the new member of the Literary Circle, I hope everyone here will treat him with kindness and respect"

With that, everyone started to introduce themselves one by one with Tommy trying to memorize what each person looked like and their names.

A guy in a lime green hoodie and white porcelain mask introduced himself first, dragging a brunette boy with goggles along with him "I'm Dream, club president, this is George" he pointed to the guy with goggles "Hi yes- as this idiot said, I'm George notfound"

Another guy went forward, this time wearing a colorful hoodie, a book in his arms while he spoke "Hi, I'm Karl Jacobs; or just Karl, I'm gonna introduce myself properly. I like writing books, currently, I'm starting a book series called 'Tales of the SMP' "

After that, A girl showed up "I'm Hannah! Nice to meet you, I prefer writing poems and reading to writing stories and books but I sometimes do those"

"Hello, I'm Tina, I also like writing poems like this person right here-" she pointed to Hannah who in turn pushed it away towards Karl "He writes a ton of poems too, ya know?" Tina rolled her eyes playfully and pushed Hannah away "Foolish! Your turn!"
A guy wearing shades and a crown? Said, It reminded Tommy of Techno, the crown, and all that which made his mood swing to internalized anger and hatred for his "brother"

"Finally! Hi yes as Eret said, I'm Foolish, dream's brother, I prefer reading more than writing still I do a lot of writing random short stories" Foolish smiled lightly and ruffled Dream's head. Smacking the guy with a shark hat's hand away, Dream flipped him off.

All these people made Tommy feel a lot more welcome and safe in the group "I'm Eret, I use any and every pronoun, Bisexual too- The Bi Queen/King/Ruler as a lot of people at the school say, Don't question why I wear shades indoors or anywhere actually, it's a bit personal" The rest nodded along
with that.

Short few other people introduced themselves but the author was too lazy to write everyone's introductions so let's skip that.

Sam clapped his hands for everyone to pay attention to him.

"That ends the introductions! Tommy, you know who I am already so I don't need to introduce myself, Puffy isn't here today so you can meet her next time" Captain Puffy, more known as Puffy was Tommy's private tutor when he was younger, says the least Tommy was surprised to find out his Tutor was part of the literary circle.

With that, everyone got to do whatever they wanted to do, some were simply talking to each other and others got to writing, and a few were reading a random book in the library room. to say that Tommy felt odd was an understatement.

Everyone had an idea of what to do, and Tommy felt lost. Of course, he was in a new place so the logical thing to do is to explore.

That's what he did.

He first entered the Library room, the area filled to the brim with books, a table in the middle where Foolish was quietly reading, and a small table in a corner where a typewriter was. Though while looking, what surprised him were the words on the entrance to the room; Storia Grafi.

"You're interested in knowing what that means, don't ya?" Foolish spoke behind him, spooking him. Due to that, Tommy swore and threw insults under his breath "Storia Grafi, Storia is a Latin word meaning story, and Grafi is a greek word that means writing. When put together, it's Story Writing"

When foolish said that, it brought up another question in Tommy's mind "The club is known as the literary circle right?" Foolish asked, obviously Tommy nodded, Everyone knew about the famous literary circle "Well I call the club Storia Grafi, mostly since all of the members here like writing stories, novels, poems, essays, Etcetera. Everyone here has the talent of writing and everyone has a story to tell"

"That's a cool idea, Storia Grafi, is that the official name?" Foolish shook his head "It depends on the person, I like Storia Grafi as the name, others have different names. So we just go with whatever we want, be creative but you can call it the literary circle since that is what people call us and the most known one" Tommy listened to every word, deciding to call it Storia Grafi sometimes and trying other names too.

"The name was coined by a former member of the club, she was known as Lady Death. She kept her identity from everyone secret, some lucky people were only able to know who she was, oh her fellow club members do know who she is but they don't tell anyone who she is; not even us" Foolish then turned back to his book "That's all I know about that, any more questions?"

Once Tommy had no questions in mind, the boy with the shark hat turned around and sat back in his chair to continue reading.

Tommy knew of Lady Death on multiple occasions, she was his inspiration after all.
He wanted to know who she is, but not all secrets are revealed easily.

He was gonna have to wait to find the answer.

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