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Discduo. That's it.

TW: Swearing, quick mentions of alcohol and drinking, mentions of neglect, mentions of abuse

Tommy stares at his phone, the screen showing Wilbur had spammed his notifs. All saying one message.

What was the message? He had to get back home, apparently, Tommy had a curfew the blond himself didn't even know he had.

He sighed and checked the time, it's been 3 hours since School had ended and Tommy was at the club.
Normally Phil didn't even know he'd been out, he wouldn't give a shit; since they returned he, as usual, didn't bat a fucking eye but the twins, on the other hand, did. It was terrible. Tommy's plans start falling apart.

His normal schedule shifted, and he tries to adapt to Wilbur's constant ruckus in 'spending time' with his younger brother and awkward small talk with Techno or just any of them wandering around him.

He notices his marks were slowly slipping, he knew that once he couldn't pay attention to lectures. I mean, of course, Tommy was fine with not paying attention usually, he could study after school and when he gets home or he's already advance studied for it he didn't need to hear it again. Though with the newfound noise his house had caused back up, mostly with Wilbur, he ultimately gets a tad bit distracted with trying not to burst into flames in the house.

He was tired, he wanted out.

He hated it, he hated his life.

He hated being a Craft.

3 hours since he went back to the club, Practically everyone had left, Tommy didn't even know if anyone other than him was even there.

He didn't care, he had to let it out somehow.
He tried to write, of course, it didn't work; he couldn't find words to describe things, he was lost.

So he cried, and cried, and cried.

He couldn't- he was tired.

Deep down he knew that all he wanted was for the neglect to stop, he wanted his family back.
He wanted the past.

Unbeknownst to the teen, another figure had problems too similar to count. They were alike in a way, yet different somehow.

Dream watched the nature around him, the large windows shedding light into the room, the sounds of peace and quiet through his ears. He loved the moment.

Until he heard the quiet sobs of a distraught teen.

Until he heard the Tommy Craft cry.

He rushed to figure out what was wrong, with how Tommy never cried in front of anyone, him crying now didn't seem good.

Dream finds Tommy curled up on the sofa, laptop bright open and phone lighting up message by message, tears welled his face as he tried to quiet down the tears that fell like a flowing waterfall.

"Tommy?" Said blond perked up for a bit, turning to meet Dream's eyes. His ocean blue eyes looking tired, looking to give up and meeting Dream's emerald green eyes filled with concern.

"Are- are you ok?" Dream whispered, he didn't want to scare the teen while he was in a vulnerable moment; Tommy only shook his head whilst tears continue to soak his already messy shirt. Tommy wanted to stop crying, Dream couldn't see him as a mess.

He wasn't supposed to show anything past his mask to anyone, he was supposed to keep that side a secret.

"I want it to- to stop- but I can't and-" Tommy sniffled, he wanted to stop being so vulnerable, that wasn't who Tommyinnit was. He was a loud and funny, sometimes annoying, Teenager.
Not a sad, weak, lonely kid who just never could fit in.

Dream stopped the blond from continuing, he slowly walked towards him, silently questioning if Tommy would let him come closer. Tommy didn't say anything other than a light nod, it was ok.

He hugged the blond, like the way he hugged himself in the past, the way he'd curl up and rock himself to bed, hoping his dad would stop drinking and be sober, hoping that his dad would stop hurting him while he drank.

He sees himself during those days in Tommy, trying to survive by doing whatever they could. It was hurting him inside, Life decided to bite back at Tommy when the good finally arrived,

Neither two said anything, they sat there and stayed in that hug until Tommy had calmed down.

It was peaceful, it was nice.

It felt like home.

"Hey toms, you ok?" Dream had finally spoke, breaking the nice silent moment they shared, Tommy nodded. "Good, do you wanna talk about it?"

The teen shook his head immediately, Dream understood, it was ok. They fell into another comfortable silence, Dream running his hand through the teen's head.

"Y'know, you remind me a lot of myself in a way" Tommy visibly perked up after Dream tried to break the silence "have you been neglected by your family your entire childhood?" Tommy muttered under his breath, sarcasm obvious in his voice.

Dream mentally flinched, Tommy didn't deserve the neglect, the poor teen should have had a happy childhood "If you mean abused, yeah" Tommy flinched, hearing the word 'abuse', Dream chuckled bitterly.

"I was.. what 8 or something? Life was never the same, me and my sister went through years of hell before my dad left, then we landed with Foolish's family" Tommy listened, sniffling could be heard apart from Dream's whispered storytime.

"What happened to your mom..? If- if It's ok to ask?" Tommy whispered back, finally speaking after his breakdown "She.. died in an incident, my sister was lucky she survived, only thing she had was the mental scars"

"My mum died too.." Dream was shocked, Tommy thought he shared too much in his opinion and shut up after that, muttering a small apology that Dream was quick to stop "don't apologize, we all need to tell someone about our fucked up problems are at some point" The two laughed lightly, they were definitely fucked up.

"My problems came up a few years after my mum died" Tommy spoke 'why was he telling Dream his fucked up life? He wasn't supposed to say anything'.
"I guess both of us have gone through the same things aye? What a shitty life we both have" Dream joked, it was semi lighthearted, they both knew that it was somewhat true in a way.

Their lives are definitely incredibly shitty and fucked up in many ways.

"I thought- that if I hid behind this persona, this mask that I'd resolve my problems. Hide from
them-" Tommy was cut off by the other continuing "A persona to hide the shit life you have because you want to live in the fantasy that everything was ok, that it was all normal. Been there, done that"

"My dad liked to blame me apparently for mom's death. I always thought that it was true, that it was me who was responsible for the accident, it was hardwired in my brain. Yet, after the good stuff, my brain was still hardwired into the thought process of 8 year old me. Masks, facades, hiding." Dream let tears flow from his eyes, Tommy nestled into the older, showing the other that it was ok for him to do so. After all, Tommy had cried on his shoulder, It was fair for Dream to be able to do the same.

"My family thinks it was my fault my mum died too, how our families think the same way is so hilarious and sad to me" the two joked around about their fucked up life, they ended up sharing anything they could talk about.

They knew that they felt some sort of familiarity with the way each other acted, they somewhat knew that they were alike in most ways.

They didn't know it took one breakdown for them to come together and reveal themselves from watching in the shadows of a mask.

Tommy was surprised, he only hopes their friendship would last this time. He hopes, things would get better.

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