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TW: Swearing

A glimpse from a different perspective, a glimpse through Tommy's mask.

When Dream found out about Tommy Craft he expected something different.

He expected a rotten and spoiled brat whose ego is through the roof. A bratty teen who expects things would be given to him because he's a Craft. Someone who was like his brothers.

He didn't expect the infamous Thomas Craft as a somewhat loud, kind, sometimes annoying, and funny teen, nothing like his brothers. He didn't expect to see part of the unknown side of Tommy.

The other side was unknown to anyone, even Dream himself didn't realize it till he kept watch.

Tommy was like Dream in a way.
A mirror if you will.

A broken mirror, shattered, incomplete, and not fully correct.

He was Dream and he wasn't, confusing, right?

He was a person who hid too many things, no one truly knew who you were, hid behind a facade. Ambitious but has no faith in themself.
He wanted to know who Tommy was.

He was interested, he wanted to know the real Thomas Theseus Innit Craft.

But for now, he was going to watch.
He was going to watch Tommy's interesting character and find out who the man behind the mask truly was and how he could help him.

He watched

Watched the small antics of the teen, How he goes from saying a joke to speeches, how he never mentions anything about himself and pushes conversations away from him with ease.
How whenever something about Tommy was brought up, he would tense up slightly until whatever was said wasn't anything bad.

He remembers the times he pushed himself in that way.

Studying day and night just to get people's attention, to be noticed, to be sure that people knew he was there, and he existed.
He grew up to be shoved aside, to not exist. To be forgotten.

And he tried to be remembered, and he did so and it tore him apart bit by bit, unlike him, Tommy was different. He was fine in the shadows, he looked ok.
It only breaks him little by little yet takes this pain and hides it away under a mask.

Dream Strived to be better, to be great, to be so good at everything that someone would have to notice him.

Tommy did as well as he can and strives to be better just because he can not because he wants to be known.

Two sides of the same coin.

Knowing that Dream watched.

not in a stalker way but just a quiet observer, watching the blonde's life unfold one by one to reach the good part.

Tommy meanwhile saw the watcher.
He let him be, let him tear through his mask.

Let him see who he truly was because, like him, Tommy was interested in his character.

Who was he in the storyline? Why was he like him?
Dream was like him. He wasn't alone.

Now he watches the other while Dream watched him, both uncovering their secrets to each other bit by bit while they feel a connection. A longing of someone who finally understood their pain.

They stayed that way, in watching each other and others silently observing what person they truly were. Sounds like they were stalkers, creepy, weird but not everyone wanted to join the spotlight; others wish to stay hidden, to just watch the show.

The show that was life.

Tommy didn't become a genius in school for people to know him, he did that because he wanted to be better. Because he just can. He wanted to leave a mark even if it was only within the shadows of everyone else.

That's why he settled on watching the show unfold, watching his life slowly form from pain to something good. Watching others who had the same experience watch him from afar because he knows that they knew as well,

They were one and the same

One to watch

The other is to be seen

They were a mirror of each other, broken and incorrect.

For now, Tommy just watched.

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