Pick up a pen, start writing

347 15 27

TW: None

You start a story by picking up a pen, letting the words flow together to create a coherent story.

The 'pen' was anything from an actual physical pen to a phone's notes app (Writing wasn't picky)

Tommy stared at himself in the mirror once more. He was in full Prince Death outfit.

A moment ago, Wilbur tried to weasel his way to his heart and spend some "quality time" with his partner in crime. He denied him any answer.

He will not take any bullshit from anyone, especially when he's competing in the biggest writing event possible. He had a chance to succeed. He was worth something.

A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. A simple rhythm, nothing like Wilbur's banging, Well, it wasn't always that way. The brunet knocked with a very unforgettable beat forever ingrained into Tommy's personal trauma area in his head, which he dubbed "Shitheads Land.". This was a Technoblade-esque knocking pattern. Now, Techno didn't know about Prince Death. Of course he hadn't told him anything aside from asking him for jewelry to complete his look (which until now he was still surprised).

He thinks Techno could guess what it was for, he was smart. He was once jealous of that.

Was it reckless of the teen to allow Technoblade Craft to know about his little secret? Yeah, but Tommy Innit was always a very reckless person, and if he truly wanted to heal the drive between the two of them, he'd let Techno in on his hobby.

"Tommy-" Techno paused, "What the fuck?" he stared at the outfit.

Tommy gave a sheepish look "I'm Prince Death, nice to meet you."

They stood in silence for a minute, no one saying anything. Both were in shock, for different reasons anyways.

Techno sighed "I knew one day you'd take on the world by storm, just never thought it'd be like what Mumza did."

Tommy shrugged "Carrying on the family nature as a Craft, gifted in the arts."

The older turned to look at the table, seeing the poster, he pointed at it "You plannin' on winning?"

The teen flashed a grin "I'm planning to blow the competition"

They both laughed, Tommy missed this and he had a feeling that Techno did too.

The two didn't say anything further, but Tommy did leave the house unbothered by a certain brunet and filled with confidence he hadn't realized he had till he set foot into the school, people staring at the mysterious student entering their halls to compete.

Whispers flooded the halls all under one common theme, the mysterious student who called himself "Prince Death".

No one noticed the absense of one Tommy Craft, it wasn't like other students also didn't decide to go anonymous in the competition.

Dream met him in the halls, the duo wearing masks to hide their faces, although people definitely knew the man in the smile mask was Dream, he still wore it anyways because it looked cool.

When the other Storia Grafi members arrived, they definitely took note of the dramatic flair Tommy did for himself and it was in true Lady Death fashion as well (It certainly pleased both Sam and Puffy, they truly did miss Kristen).

A moment later the MCC Event was being broadcasted everywhere. Everyone could watch it, including them. He didn't mind Techno watching, he really wanted the older to be proud of him, (Although Techno was already proud of him, even if he hasn't outright said it), There are a few exceptions on who shouldn't ever watch the event, namely a Beeduo, a Neglectful Father, and a Lying Older Brother (He feels so wrong calling the last two "father" and "brother")

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