The Craft Family

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TW: None

The Craft Family is usually regarded as "The Perfect Family" y'know, your typical normal family with talented and loving people who care about each other deeply as they cared about their achievements.

Tommy regards his family as a mystery, not one of them with the last name 'Craft' knows who they are as a family. They only know who they are, not who the family is. Everyone knew them through their achievements but do they truly know them? no.

He stares at the mask he'd created on a whim, it was a prototype for his costume, for prince death.

Outsiders see the perfect little family.








No they weren't.

They were not perfect, they were hiding under a mask, a facade. As Tommy had done so many times with everyone around him. He knows they do the same, the fake smiles Phil gives him when they'd be out in public, the fake love they'd show each other when around other people.

What love was there in the Craft household? The love died with his mother. The only one who held their family together before Tommy came to existence and "ruined" their lives.

Technoblade, to the world, was an outstanding individual gifted with talents for Maths and Science, with Literature tucked under there too. A smart man who was loyal to his family.
Technoblade to Tommy was a cold person, a liar, and a traitor to him. Tommy was his family, right? Why did he betray him then?

Wilbur, to the world, was an outgoing and very charismatic individual gifted through the arts, literature hidden with the arts. He was a successful musician with a talent for words.
Wilbur to Tommy was a prick, a prestigious and immature person, a liar, a manipulative bitch. Tommy was supposed to be his light, wasn't he? Wilbur manipulated and shaped him to be exactly like him, he was a liar.

Philza to the world was an ambitious father doing his best to care for his three children with the heavy loss of his wife. Very goal-oriented and rational man. He loved his children and was proud of everything they did.
Philza to Tommy was a perfectionist, idealist, overachiever, and deadbeat father. He never cared for Tommy, and he was part of the family. He had the same last name, the same blood in him, the same facial features. Phil was never there for him though.

The Boisterous Tommy, the world would call him, youngest of the Craft household. A kind and energetic child who was filled with wonder about the world. His family loved him and Tommy loved them back, he was a clingy child.
Tommy was independent, loyal (to his friends' was left unsaid), a smart teen who hates his family, wasn't "filled with wonder", and wasn't loved by his so-called family.

The Craft Family was a house of liars. A house of fakes. Cheats. Masked people with secrets and mystery in the house.

So yes, Tommy would say they were a mystery. They didn't know who they were. They were certainly not perfect. They were liars for that, but they weren't only liars.

What's there to say? They'll go along with any label they have as long as it was good.

They were the Craft Family. A family of lies and secrets.

Tommy looks away from the mask. It was who he was wasn't he? A Mask, a shell of who he wasn't. He didn't know who Tommy Craft was but he certainly knew who Prince Death was.

Prince Death was an upcoming and mysterious writer with a knack for literature. No one knows who he is other than that. Prince Death was mysterious but a kind person, he was a lovely person; a person with secrets sure but he was at least still nice.

He knew who he was. Prince Death was him right? Yes but only part of him.

Who was Tommy Craft?

As long as no one truly knows who the Craft Family is. No one will truly know who Tommy is.

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