Aftermath of the return

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TW: Swearing

Dinner was awful but Tommy managed it, he was back to being in a louder house except one thing; he wasn't loud.

After he finished eating, He ignored everyone and went back to his room, hopefully to write.
The story was lacking something, he didn't know what but he just couldn't think of anything. He was stuck.

Re-reading everything again to find something to start with didn't help much other than him seeing the need to edit the unfinished storyline.

Until he remembered the hollow wall.

The blonde's eyes glanced to the wall, curious and interested.
He tried to find a way to open it, a secret doorknob or something and he knew it was unlikely, he wasn't like those stories with hidden rooms that have secrets of his past.

Tommy was different.

He was an unknown being, changing his ways just to survive and no one knew who he truly was.
He was a mystery.

That's how he wanted it to be.

The teen gave up searching and decided to just brute force his way, pushing the wall to no avail.
It looked silly if anyone had seen it thankfully Tommy has a curse of being hidden, unseen from anyone, invisible at times.
Brute force apparently was not enough so Tommy being himself left the wall for another day's mystery.

He did his nightly routine, checking whatever he needed for the next day and planning for the day.

Then fell asleep halfway through it.

The stars watch him, their interests peaked once noticing the young blonde's history.
This child was strange.

No hollow walls to break his secrets open.
Nothing to be used against him.
He's hurting but he thrives on the pain.

Someday, the world would know how he truly is.
But that is left for another day, another time.

Tommy woke up annoyed the next morning, his day started to fall apart even more.
Firstly Tommy woke up earlier to hopefully avoid Phil and/or Wilbur but he just couldn't avoid Technoblade. The two bumped into each other in the kitchen and Techno had asked the teen how he was doing all the years they didn't talk (Blame his two "amazing" brothers for that) and Tommy ignored it every fucking time he pushed the question.
Next, Wilbur woke up while Tommy was still getting ready, knocking on the teen's door to "help him pick out what to wear". Tommy ignored him as well.

Yet wilbur had barged in the room just as Tommy had settled on wearing a brown hoodie, ignoring the fact privacy existed and complained about how Tommy should've worn something else.

Then Wilbur wanted to take him to school.

Luckily while Wilbur was whining about that, the teen had slipped away from the house and walked instead.

His morning wasn't great but now he was Tommyinnit.
A facade, a mask for him to hide behind, a concrete wall that no one can get in through.
Then his day started to  get better, Sam and Tommy once again had a chat, the blonde aced it and he hung out with the circle after class in their little secret clubhouse where the younger had asked for writing advice and continued writing the story he was making.

He walked home that day as Thomas Craft; The quiet, observant, closed off and secretive Craft.
The one who stood out, the black sheep of the family.

He entered the dull house silently, tiptoeing to his safe place, his bedroom until Wilbur came.
Wilbur seemed to have been waiting for him, for what reason?

The brunette had been camping outside his bedroom, bitch. "Hi Tommy!" Wilbur grinned, either the guy didn't notice that Tommy wasn't in the mood to talk to him or he'd just ignored it.

"So.. I wanted to take you to school but you left before I joined you and I couldn't catch up, then I just decided to wait for you! Now we can catch up after all those years" The brunette decided to be an asshole today it seems.

The teen preferred the silence.

If time could rewind and turn back, he would let it. He fucking hated his brother acting like nothing happened between the two.

"Come on, tell me, does my Tommy have a crush or a girlfriend? Or anything significant in his life yet?" Wilbur snapped the blonde out of his swirling thoughts "No, I don't" Tommy replied, his ocean blue eyes staring into the brunette's chocolate brown.

He ignored Wilbur's long rant explaining he had at least one thing, something significant in his life and waited until Wilbur had probably forgotten what he was gonna talk about and instead got distracted by another thing, letting Tommy slip away.

In his room, the younger had once again tried to brute force the wall.
"What the fuck do I need to get this to open?" Tommy groaned, he was getting annoyed; the entire day was awful and he just wished that at least one thing would go right in that house.

He ended up staring outside the open window in his room, to his surprise, a crow came in.
"Why hello, You aren't supposed to be here" Tommy smiled after the crow caws in response "Now what's your name little guy?" The crow cawed angrily, flapping it's wings to assert dominance.

"Ok ok- not a little guy" Tommy chuckled, that crow is strange. After Tommy's laughter died down, the crow flew to the hollow wall Tommy had tried to open once more.
"Nothing to do about that, it won't open, I don't know how to do that" Tommy shrugged at the crow, wow, a day without his friends and now he's talking to a bird. The crow pecked at a keyhole.

That wasn't there before.

Tommy approached the wall, sat beside the crow and watched as the crow looked around for something. He didn't know what but he was looking for something.
Till the crow set it's eyes under the wardrobe.

"What is it?" Tommy questioned aloud, he knew he couldn't get a proper answer out of the crow but he didn't have anyone else he wanted to talk to so a bird is good enough. The bird flew under the closet, coming out with a key.

"Woah-" The bird dropped the key in the teen's lap, staring at him with curious eyes. Tommy had put the key in the keyhole and twisted it, low and behold it opened. Tommy immediately stood up and entered the dusty room, the crow was now perched onto his shoulder peacefully watching the blonde explore the hidden room.

It was amazing in Tommy's eyes.

His eyes set upon a desk, on it was a leather book, two of it in fact. It was a nice book, it looked a bit old but it was very cool.
Next thing he noticed was the bookshelf behind him.
It was filled with books, mostly mythology and fantasy books nonetheless.
Lastly he sees the window, it had a nice view of the forest behind his house; how he never seen this before was a surprise to him.

The crow flew away from his shoulder and perched on the desk where the book was, it cawed to catch the teen's attention. Tommy followed along with his new friend and opened the book.

The first page made Tommy smile.

Kristen's Diary
Please do not read (Looking at you Mom)

It was his mother's.
The only one who he knew most likely would have cared about him.
Then Tommy opened the second book, it was a story. Written by none other than his mother; Kristen Craft.

He skimmed through the pages, catching the way his mother wrote. It was lovely.
It was like she was there telling that story to him.

It felt like home.
The entire room was like home.
He'd never felt home before, not until this day.
Y'know, I think the aftermath of their return wasn't as bad as it was anymore; now he knew, he was truly just like his mother and he was going to make her proud.

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