Broken friendships

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TW: Swearing, betrayal (?)

Friendships stay forever, most people would say.
Friendships last forever, they continue to say.
'I'll stay with you till the end your friend or friends would say.

Tommy says those are bullshit.

Fucking bullshit to make you believe the lies that the good things always stay. That they'll be there till the end because they don't.

No one knows if anyone is loyal enough to "stick by their side" till the end but they lie to themselves and say they will because they just can't cope with losing someone or something they're desperately attached to.

Tommy knew loyalty wasn't a common thing with the people he interacted with, say his family, for example, Wilbur and Techno both promised they'd stay with him till the end, and look where that got him. Nowhere.
He had two friends, Tubbo and Ranboo, they said they'd stick with him but they lied about that as well.

Yes, his fucking best friends who were there when life was terrible; had left him. He saw the duo ditch him for other friends and the duo doesn't even think twice about remembering the blond.

The trio was originally going to chill at Tubbo's house for a sleepover before Tommy joined the whole circle. They canceled that.
Where were they? Showing the new kids around town and shit, normally Tommy was fine with that, after all, it's human decency. Being polite.

Then it turned worse.
They started disappearing, not even noticing him on occasion. Like he'd slipped their minds like they forgot him.

That's fine, he says to himself a lot, Ranboo forgets one too many things on so many occasions and Tubbo, as smart as he is, can forget things too.

Then he finds their meetups, their bonding experiences, Sure Tommy was somewhat invading their privacy but he was worried for them. He wanted to know if he did something wrong that their friendships turned strained.

He finds them having the time of their life without him.

He finds the friends that replaced him, he was glad they were happy now but he felt betrayed.
They've left him.

They promised to never do that.
They said themselves that they'd be friends.
Tommy was foolish enough to believe that lie even though deep down he knew that the good times don't last forever. His family had done it, his friends continued it. No way it was going to end without the same thing happening with his shitty life.

then they show up.
Tommy would've been glad that they wanted to talk to him but the sinking feeling that something was going to happen stayed with him. Why did life decide to drag him down when his life started to move up?

It was life, unpredictable as ever.

If life said that Tommy should lose his friends, it will happen when he starts to have a good life because the universe works in so many different ways yet they keep the same theme; a mystery.

Tommy met Tubbo and Ranboo after school, the club didn't mind, they didn't even need everyone to be at the club after school a lot; it was the student's choice and Tommy was glad he was welcome there anytime wether that be during break or skipping (Though you had to have a very important reason to skip, sam and puffy were nice to let them be if it was good/creative enough) The trio met up by the bench, their special spot.
The trio were basically known as bench trio for a reason, if you can't find them, they'd be at the bench doing stuff.
The bench was as special as their friendship, it was a known fact.

But this time, the bench didn't seem great.
Tubbo and Ranboo sat at the bench, phones out, waiting for Tommy. That was a surprise, normally the blond would wait for the duo.

Tommy choked down his fear, hiding behind his mask and spoke "What's up bitches!" The teen grinned from ear to ear; only he knew it was fake. "So Tommy, hows life? seems like we haven't talked to each other in a while right?" Tommy resisted the urge to tell them it was mostly them who pushed him away but he bit his tounge and sat beside the duo "Ehh life is just like that, too busy for slacking mates, so hows life for you? you've met the newbies?"

"Oh it's been good so far, you are right, school's started giving more work! for fucks sake! my desk is piling up with school work" Tubbo replied, joining the blond's energy. Ranboo shared what'd happened, it was all chill, it was normal. The trio took out homework they were itching to do and did it while chatting about random shit, people passing by the bench trio never batted an eye other than a wave or a simple hello.

Tommy was midway through math homework when he heard it.

"Yo Tubbo! Ranboo! Lets go!" Aimsey, one of the newbies who recently moved here yelled to them. Freddie, the other newbie, was there too

Tubbo and Ranboo immediately started packing up, waving a hand to let the others know they'd be coming. "Sorry Tommy, we gotta go, you can join us if you want?" Tommy shook his head in response "S'all good, you better get going, can't really join you ya know? Bit busy at the moment if you can't tell" The beeduo laughed at Tommy's response, nodding along and soon, leaving.

Tommy was once again, alone. left behind.

He could've accepted the offer to join them, he would but he knew it was only out of pity. They've fallen out, their usual banter turned somewhat dry on occasions, he tried not to notice it but he couldn't. The other two meanwhile, never noticed the dry conversation. they were fine as they were.

He knew their friendship was turning dry, it was obvious since the day plans start falling out. he was fine with it, that wasn't a lie, his friends got even more friends other than the "black sheep Craft" Tommy. You'd expect him to have many friends but it wasn't really that way.
He strayed from social interactions, unless it was while his mask was up. He had to keep up a face right?

"hey chat.." Tommy muttered under his breath, Once again Chat had followed him around. Thankfully it wasn't obvious that the random crow was Tommy's. It was nice to have at least an animal companion.

Chat perched on Tommy's head, nestling into the fluffy and somewhat curly blond hair.
Tommy smiled in amusement and packed up his things, he was gonna stay at the club for a bit, he wasn't in the mood to deal with his "family" at the moment. Chat perked up at the moment the teen walked back towards the school instead of the way to the house "Chat we're going to the club for a while, y'know the one mum went to" Chat cawed as a response, it was somewhat funny to the teen, the crow was a very strange animal indeed, it listened and talked to Tommy and Tommy himself felt like he understood it.

Tommy took a breath, he enjoyed how the surrounding forest behind the school looked, It felt mysterious and magical. It was amazing.

He entered the cabin, waving at Karl who was sitting on the floor, Laptop, a binder filled with writing and pens scattered in his area "How you doing karl?" Tommy striked a conversation while he settled on the sofa. Chat decided to stay on his head so the blond was careful on his movements. "I'm fine, I had a burst of motivation this morning and headed straight to writing the next part in my series, how are you and is that a crow on your head?"

"yep, I call him Chat, and it's been decent. I'm just gonna finish up some homework and do some writing" Karl made a sound of agreement and got dragged back into his work "anyone else here?" The other in the frog hat nodded "Dream's in the library, Sam is somewhere- I forgot where he said he was going but he's here alright, Eret is upstairs maybe., Boomer is outside by the pond"

Tommy nodded, then continued where he left off with his homework.

The blond distracted himself in his work. A message wired into his brain; No friendsips last that long.

Broken friendships were unavoidable.
For Tommy that is.

But as he interacts with the club, he hopes, their friendships would last.

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