Turn back the time

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TW: mentions of neglect

Techno hadn't seen Tommy for a few years and when he got back, he knew he was a fool to think it would be fine to leave Tommy behind with a father who didn't want him, he sees Tommy had changed in the many years that passed without contact.

Techno fully knew their relationship became incredibly strained, Tommy was no longer the happy and bright annoying child the twins took care of for years. He sees Tommy, a shell of who he used to be.

Closed off and quiet, he was cold, trusted no one, and didn't seem to crack a single joke.

Techno wished he could turn back time and change every mistake he made for the teen to turn out the way he is now. He has to watch the blond turn to despair, hide who he once was to them, to Techno.

If a time machine existed, Techno would've gone in immediately. No questions asked.

He can't just forget that he ruined his brother's life. He can't just not wish to live in the past and change it.

"Theseus." Techno hid his surprise. Tommy has not, since they returned, voluntarily gone to Techno. It was always a lucky moment if Techno could even catch a glimpse of the teen. Another thing the man regretted.

"Technoblade." Tommy nodded. The blond let himself into Techno's room, looking for something.
An awkward silence arose in the room, yeah Techno had no idea how to start a conversation.

Should he apologize? For everything he did?

Should he wait for Tommy to make the first move?

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"Theseus- I'm sorry" Techno blurted out. Tommy was shocked, and so was Techno himself. The older did not know why he said that.

"Sorry for what?" Tommy stared at Techno, blankly. Terrifying, Tommy never did that before.

"For leaving you behind. For not staying in contact with you. For letting Wilbur manipulate you. For letting Phil hurt you." Techno continued "I did so many things wrong, I left you behind when you needed me, but I was too focused on my prestigious university in America to notice." Techno had finished speaking yet Tommy hadn't said a word since the older explained.

"I'm such a bad brother, I was supposed to protect you. I let you get worse, leaving you with Wilbur and Phil. I let them hurt you, neglect you. Everything. and I'm sorry."

Tommy walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him whilst Techno watched with worry.

I did it. I fucked up.

Techno didn't dare go close to Tommy's general area after that incident.

He supposed he should give the teen some space, after all, Techno just dropped so much on the younger, it was risky enough when he apologized out of the blue.

Now Techno wanted to turn back time even more. Maybe if he had a time machine, he could've gone back and stopped himself from randomly apologizing.

A knock on the door breaks Techno from his thoughts. He swears if that was Wilbur- "Techno? It's me, Tommy."

Ok Techno, this is fine. Just act cool.

Techno opens the door to meet the teen. Looking at the state Tommy was in, Techno didn't know if Tommy had taken the apology as a good or bad thing. "Uhm, just- come in" Techno made way for the teen to enter the room, the blond looking conflicted at Techno.

After the two had settled in the quiet room, The air was awkward. Techno tapped his foot anxiously. Did he fuck up?

Does Tommy hate him?

Blood for the blood god.

"I don't accept your apology..." Techno nodded in understanding "..yet." Tommy had added afterwards. That was fine. He was fine, Tommy didn't need to forgive him easily. He deserved it.

"You've done so much shit. A lot of stupid shit that I can't forgive easily." Techno truly wishes he could turn back time, to fix the mistakes he made with his foolish and egotistical younger self. Tommy was right, Techno did too much horrible shit to Tommy.

""...Yeah that's fine with me. I know I left you alone all those years, I didn't think about anyone aside from myself. Those stupid goals Dad started setting for me, I was focused on making them true. I now only realize that's bullshit and I wish I could go back and fix everything. I didn't expect you to forgive me easily-" Tommy shushes Techno from ranting, taking a deep breath, he explains.

"I can't forgive you yet, but that doesn't mean I wasn't willing to forgive you immediately. I was thinking about forgiving you easily, but.. you did a lot of shitty things, a lot of trauma for me so I know it isn't right if I had let you go off easily. You don't need to do anything else. I'm just glad you apologized. " That was good with Techno, he was glad some part of the problem was resolved.

"ok.." Techno breathed out, "I can't change those mistakes I made, I can't go back and fix it, but I can stop making it worse than it seems. I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you." Techno finishes with a look of regret on his face.

Tommy smiles slightly, He didn't forgive Techno. Not yet at least. But this was good, things were better.

"I'll be here for you again ok Theseus? I'll stay here this time." Techno truly promised, he wanted to make it up to Tommy. After all the shit he'd gone through that Techno could've easily helped Tommy from, he needed to fix things.

The room was silent once more.

Tommy fidgeted on his shirt, he wanted to say something. Techno knew it.

"Techno..?" Tommy dragged out his name, he was stalling. Techno met Tommy's eyes "Yeah?" With a questioning gaze, Tommy made up his mind and told him.

"I need jewelry." Techno smiled at the request. Without another word, a box of jewelry was in front of Tommy. "You don't need to tell me what it's for, I trust you'll keep them all safe" Techno smiled warmly. Tommy had forgotten when Techno had genuinely last smiled at him.

Techno was genuinely happy to share his jewelry with Tommy, he had too much of it anyways.

He remembers Tommy asking for jewelry before. Techno said no.

He regrets that moment deeply, Tommy would've been extra careful with the jewelry. He knew that now. He realized how dumb it was to think not to trust his own brother.

He didn't think he should count himself as Tommy's brother anymore. He was but he isn't anymore.

Tommy nodded thankfully at Techno, grabbed the box, and left, a smile plastered on his face. The true Tommy smile.

Techno surely wished he could go back and fix all his mistakes, go back in time to prevent Tommy from getting hurt again. Now this is ok, things were getting better.

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