It all just falls apart?

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TW: Swearing, Mentions of Neglect

Tommy spent the entire time exploring the area, talking to some people from time to time to know more about the big history of the place.

That was fun, so far.

Yet it seems that life wants to pull him back down, his joy falling apart once he sees the car in the garage as he walked home.

He stopped by the door, looking for any sign that Philza was there. The only noise he heard was the sound of silence.

It was most likely he was locked up in his office again, like usual. The neglect. The isolation from his family, not that he didn't like it; I mean, he was thankful he didn't have to deal with them constantly telling him every flaw he had and judging him only by his looks and acts.

He entered the silent house as quiet as he can, locking himself in his room.
He stared at the mirror, thoughts swirling around in his head.
The house wasn't his home. it never was and it never will be while he's still alive.
His mood shifts, when taking out his laptop and setting down on the floor by the wall.

There while he stares at the blank screen he smiles.
When writing, he feels loved.
Living in the life of a different character is how he copes with all the darkness that the world threw at him.

It was his safe place.

Tommy stretches his fingers and shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath he opens them and the ocean blue eyes soon focused on the screen.
Typing every thought he had, he turned those random thoughts into a story of sorts.

A story of tragedy, death, and suffering yet it was a story of love, life, and happiness.

While typing he hears the sudden footsteps from the room beside his, which was Wilbur's room.
He then heard two voices, two voices he hadn't heard in a while.

He stopped writing, not being able to focus while he knows that they're back.

He sets the laptop aside, diving through his thoughts which were mostly questions of 'why are they here?' 'What are they doing here?' 'When did they get here?'

I guess it all just falls apart, innit?

Of course, another challenge trying to bring him down to where he was, Another reason for the house to become his prison, Another reason why the house will never he his home.
He will never be free from these people if he lets them.

He tried to focus on the story in his mind.

He had thought of writing the idea, probably making it a short story and maybe showing it to the Storia Grafi members, especially for critique and advice.

The story he had in mind was about a young boy who needed an escape from his bad past so he decided to take up on doing his favorite thing, write.
Soon while it was all good, he faces his past; that's all Tommy had so far.

Then his thoughts wandered over to where Tubbo and Ranboo was, it was weird when once he got home and was ready to have a sleepover with the duo that they just say it's cancelled since they had some other stuff to do, Tommy just decided to do the project on his own terms.

Tommy found that strange but he let them go.

Are his two friends slowly starting to drift away from him?

He was careful, trying to make incredibly little noise as humanly possible till he hit a wall.
"fuck.. huh?" He knocked on the wall he'd hit to make sure he wasn't imagining that it was hollow for some reason.

"What-" before he continued, someone knocked on the door. He recognized the person knocking, he memorized the patterns, their footsteps and knocks.

This one was Wilbur Soot Minecraft's knocking pattern.

Tommy stood from his position to open the door. To face the man who claimed to be his brother.
he wasn't.
He never was.

He never will be.

"Hi Toms! Miss me?" Wilbur grinned after the blonde had opened the door, to his surprise; no reaction came from his brother. Not even a swear.

He was emotionless.

"The band decided we needed a break from all the music industry stuff so I took a quick vacation back here! Been a while since the 'crimeboys' hung out" Wilbur had tried lighting up the mood to no avail.
Tommy just stared at him with no emotions whatsoever.
The two fell into silence, not even wilbur knew what to say. It was like his little brother wasn't his little brother anymore.

But Wilbur took good care of him! Tommy loved him right? Why is he like this now? Where was his Tommy?

Tommy had answers to every question and statement Wilbur had mentioned in his own mind.
Wilbur did in fact, not take care of him. Tommy did not love him. He was like that since his family abandoned him after he was born. His Tommy doesn't exist anymore; it's hidden under all his hatred, resentment and neglect.

Tommy didn't say that out loud though "What? You gonna stand there all day or are you gonna talk to your big brother?" The brunette once again tried to start a conversation that fell after Tommy shut the door in his face.

"Fuck you" Tommy had muttered under his breath once Wilbur had left; filled with disappointment and questions that all include 'his Tommy'.

That was the first time that Tommy had talked to any of his "family members" since he was a child.

It became worse at dinner.

Normally Tommy would snatch leftover dinner his father made for himself and eat in his room but since 'the whole family was back together' the teen had to join them for dinner.

As usual, Phil would ignore Tommy and the twins would start conversations and talk to each other; not batting an eye towards him.
Yet it didn't happen like that, as soon as Tommy made his presence known by plopping down on a chair beside Wilbur and opposite to Technoblade, the twins wanted to talk to him.

"How's life been Theseus? You didn't really talk to us after we left and we want to know everything" Techno questioned, scanning the teen with his eyes in search of any major change he could find. Tommy only shrugged in response.
"Wilbur! Hows the band been? I heard your making a new album. I wanna see teasers!" Phil had spoke abruptly, pretending nothing had happened between anyone.

It was always like that.
Wilbur this Techno that, no Tommy did this or Tommy did that. It was always them but not him.
And frankly, he didn't give a shit.

Neglect him all you want, pretend he doesn't exist. He's used to it already and nothing will change that.

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