Per aspera ad astra

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TW: None

Per aspera ad astra, an interesting phrase.
It means "through hardship to the stars" in Latin.

Tommy liked that phrase.

He wanted to finally find the way to his goal past the hardships, past the tragedy.
He wanted to reach the stars in the sky who kept looking down at him with curious eyes.

Through hardship, he hoped that he would finally reach his goal.

Now as he reads the unfinished book his mother had created titled 'Per aspera ad astra' he wonders if his mother had done the same. Has she reached her goals and touched the stars after the hardship she had gone through? He may not know now but he hoped she did.
The book was like the title explains it to be, a story about hardship and being able to reach the stars through it.

The main character was a guy who was called Theseus, it's not a greek myth, no. It was an original story with a character who people called Theseus, but it wasn't his name. The book clearly stated that at some point in the story, Tommy didn't know Theseus's true name.

It was unfinished, his mother never finished the book.

She died before she was able to end it.

And knowing that, Tommy cried.
He cried because it felt so long ago that he did,
He cried because he wished his mother had survived,
He cried because the world was too cruel to him.

But he was gonna push through.
He was gonna go through hardship and go to the stars.

With that, only sniffles and hiccups were left,
He could only hope no one had heard it and he could only wish that his mother was there with him.
The crow was there still, it stood by the young blonde's side while he cried, Tommy wished his family had done that.

"Sorry.. I cried, you didn't have to stay here bud" Tommy spoke only barely above a whisper, the crow tilted its head, shuffling closer to the blonde.

Tommy decided to read more of his Mother's adventures, hoping it would somehow give him the feeling he was wanted, needed.

Found a crow today, it kept following me for some reason. It was just there since I went into the cabin.

I wanna keep it, after all the crow is very friendly and didn't make a mess.
I'd call him Chat or something, it seems like a good name for the crow; it was always there for a chat and I do not have many friends so..

-LD (Kristen)

Tommy reread the last part, LD? What could that stand for? Lady death? Impossible.

No way Tommy's mother is Lady Death.. right?
It's not possible.
but it is.

Thomas Theseus Innit Craft's mother is Lady Death, the amazing and gifted writer, MCC Writing Champion, Unknown Legend, and his inspiration? How much had he not known about his mother?

apparently, Tommy knew very little until now.

Tommy sat in the dusty room for hours on end till the morning came, he didn't need to get to school since it was a weekend but he did need to eat.
He can't really survive off of nothing.

Tommy carefully shut the room, the crow now perched on top of his head, The key still in his pocket, and the diary in his hand.
"Chat, you gotta stay here" Chat cawed in response and settled on the teen's bed.

With a small smile, he left the room, checking the time to make sure no one was awake- except for Technoblade, the man could never fall asleep unless he had to or was forced to.

Entering the kitchen hoping for a simple apple and a cookie, he finds Techno on his phone, sitting on the kitchen island with two plates of Waffles.
Techno pushed a plate to the blonde then continued on his phone, nibbling on his waffle.

Tommy took his plate and sat on top of a counter, reading his mother's diary.

The entire time was just that.

Techno was on his phone doing something and quietly eating his breakfast while Tommy was eating as he reads through his mother's diary.

It was nice.
Tommy liked the quiet.

Other times, the quiet was painful. It was sad.
He didn't like that quiet.

His mind wanders off to the book his mother made, remembering the phrase said book was titled. Per aspera ad astra.

Was he going to reach the stars after the hardship? Does he want to? Can he do it?

We just need to wait for him to go through the hardship, and reach for that star.

A little shorter chapter today, sorry about that but I just felt like making it end short.

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