Wings, oh my wings

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A BIG NOTE AT THE BEGINNING: Hi, have we all seen the many allegations? If you haven't you can ask about them and I or other people can answer it for you. Before you skip this, I'd like to say that I DO NOT SUPPORT WILBUR SOOT. There are other problematic creators here that also have many allegations and I do not support them either but Wilbur is a big character in this story so we're giving the bitch a special mention. I've actually honestly considered myself as someone who has "left the fandom" and have since then moved to watching other mcyts such as Hermitcraft and Empires SMP creators.

If you support these creators still, especially Wilbur, I am sorry but you have to leave. I will not tolerate anyone supporting abusers like him and I will not tolerate disgusting people who chalk the trauma of others as "accidents" or forgiving half-assed apologies.

I have other works for other fandoms that are on AO3 and haven't been crossposted here(Which is now my main platform for posting fanfiction, Wattpad is a backburner type thing now srry), if you're willing to still read my content for other fandoms, it's on there. I'm sticking around this fic to finish it once and for all. There won't be a sequel or anything after this one story, I've scrapped the idea because of the allegations on these creators.

Thank you for understanding. Always believe the victims.

TW: None

Tommy passed his short story by the end of the day, the entire time he stayed in the room engrossed in his work. His fingers worked like lightning, racing as time continued to pass.

He knew he was lucky with the theme, he had too many ideas in his head and for most of his life he was always comparing himself with wings, he was made for this.

There were a few other people who stayed a long while watching the competitors writing, most of the crowd disappeared. To be fair, it does get boring just watching a bunch of people writing, Tommy appreciates those who took the time to stay a while longer than most of the crowd.

The story was titled: Wings, oh my wings.

It was Tommy's- no, Prince Death's work to be shown to the world.

He's going to enter the literary world with a bang.

He had a flair for dramatics, it's just in his blood ya know? It's an urge he needs to fill from time to time. No judgment.

Prince Death's work was the last one to be passed before they were all ushered out of the school and reminded that the winner would be announced next week Monday, the day where the all MCC winners were announced.

Tommy changed out of his costume quickly, meeting up with the rest of the Storia Grafi (Literary Circle) members who were apart of the competition (Which was a solid... quite a lot actually.) to head out for a celebration.

"Yo! Here comes the prince!" Dream called out, wrapping an arm around Tommy to give a side-hug. Sam was with them too, he was truly proud of Tommy's work and is 100% confident on who the winner will be.

"There's our little writing genius, we ready to head out yeah?" Eret grinned, ruffling the blond's hair while the teen grumbled about the teasing.

"Stop that," he pouts "that's definitely bullying, I'm telling Sam."

Tommy poked the older man to get his attention and once he got it, he pointed to Eret.

"Eret's bullying me, kick him out of the club."

"No I'm not."

"Yeah he is."

"Dream shut up, that's not helping."

Sam sighed, ignoring the loud chatter and complaints. They're going to give him gray hairs.

To celebrate the club's hard work from the competition, Sam took them to a small cafe.

The moment they got there, Tommy was bouncing up and down with excitement. Everyone thought he was like a kid that ate too much candy and had a massive sugar rush.

Everyone was chatting it up, left and right, eagerly asking each other what they did for the competition now that it was finally over.

"Hey Tommy, what did you do for the comp?" Dream tapped the younger blond on the shoulder. Everyone then turned to listen to the teen as he regaled on his strategy.

"It's really simple, I had a full idea on what I wanted to do because I kind of.. sorta... projected way too much?" He chuckled, "I didn't really mean to put it out there but it's realistic and catches the reader's emotions and slams them into the ground so it works."

Eret only sighed, "Atleast you had a strategy, I did not think about anything beforehand."

Everyone else agreed with one another, Dream meanwhile kept silent. What did he write? he thinks. It got him curious and worried.

"Dream! what'd you do then?" Tommy snapped him out of his thoughts, the older shook his head "That's a secret for me to keep"

"No fair!" Tommy shouts; forgetting they were in a cafe, then he apologized directly afterwards.

Sam was definitely getting gray hairs from these people.

Wings, oh my wings.

Tommy wonders who was going to win that competition, and if he made his mother proud.

At another place, a man stares at the television showing the replay of the Writing Competition. He watches in amusement, smiles, and nods.

He whispers to himself, Good job Tommy.

Tommy feels the wind rush in as a person enters the cafe. I think mum would be proud of me regardless if I won or not.

And maybe, maybe some other person would be proud of me too.

He sits, smiling as he watches his friends laugh and talk, so carefree, happy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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