A Night With a Spirit

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Day 1 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako

"You'll let me enjoy this whole school week.... with you."

Those words wouldn't stop ringing in her head even as she left the bathroom.

The whole day, her bullies wondered why Y/N remained impervious to their jests and taunts. Yashiro, her seatmate, kept poking her, trying to catch her attention.



"You alright?"


"You sure?"


Yashiro began to grow worried. Y/N may be quiet, but she was never unresponsive.

The school bell rang, marking the end of classes. Yashiro wandered the school grounds, desperately looking for her friend.

"Y/N?!" She called out, adamant to find her. "Y/N! Let's walk home together! Where are you?!"

"Hey, Yashiro-chan."

Yashiro jumped at the voice, her ears tinged red in embarrassment.

"H-Hi, Minamoto..."

Minamoto Teru leaned against a locker, smiling with amusement.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Y-Y/N." Yashiro awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. "I couldn't find her, so..."

"I heard she already went home." He shrugged. Yashiro was both hurt and stunned at his words. Leaving her like that was something Y/N would never do.

"So... 'wanna walk home together instead?"

Yashiro's heart skipped a beat, her eyes shining.

That was something she simply couldn't refuse.


Y/N was out of breath as she finally escaped the packed crowd, rushing to the bathroom.

The bandage she had wrapped by herself did a good job... but only for a little while.

She thought she would faint as the blood seeped through the bandage, soaking her fingers to a dark crimson.

She crashed open the girls' bathroom door, falling unto the tiled floor. Her steps were getting feeble and her head was spinning. The sight of blood really made her feel nauseous.

"Aww, came to see me, did you?" An all-too familar voice reached her ears.

"H-Hanako-san!" Y/N gasped in surprise.

The boy had appeared out of nowhere, catching the girl off guard even when she was about to faint. It didn't take long for the ghost to find out that something was wrong with Y/N.

"Hey, are you alright?" He floated to her side, kneeling beside her as she panted heavily. Y/N ignored his question, trying to unwrap her bandage.

Hanako's eyes flickered unto the bloodied cloth. He bit his lip tursely.

"What a pathetic bandage..."

"I couldn't get a gauze." Y/N wheezed through her baited breath. "Mum would never let me."

Hanako nodded in understanding, helping her unwrap the bandage.

"Hey!" Y/N gasped, again finding the sudden contact surprising. She reached out to uppercut him.

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