Something's Fishy

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Second Day in the Broadcasting Room...

"How were your classes? Anything difficult? Need help on a subject?! I'd gladly assist!"

"Great. No. Nope. I'm fine." Y/N replied shortly, finding it difficult to keep up with Hanako bombarding her with questions.

"You look tired, though!" Hanako pouted, poking her on the cheek. Y/N knew she shouldn't feel annoyed by the person who had helped her the most, but she couldn't fight it.

"What's gotten into you?" Y/N timidly asked, trying her best to sound polite.

"What's gotten into me?"  He threw his head back in laughter. "What's gotten into you?  You've been so gloomy for the whole day!"

'If you didn't pester me with trivial questions during recess and lunch, I think I'd be much better.' Y/N retorted inwardly. Instead, she replied:

"Can I stay over at Yashiro's today?"

The smile on Hanako's face immediately disappeared. "What was that?"

Y/N nervously rephrased herself. "I-I meant, uhm... I wonder how Yashiro was today..."

His eyes turned a little more sympathetic. He gave her a light pat on the head.

"Don't get yourself worked up! Stay here. Let's talk."

"Why?"  Y/N couldn't help but blurt. "I mean, I'd love to, but... I'm exhausted. I want to take a break."

"I'll comfort you!" Hanako cried. "I'll be here! I'll be-"

"There's something off about you." Y/N  finally decided with a frown. She slowly got up, rushing towards the door. "I'll be back."

"WAIT!"  Hanako threw out a hand, about to command his wisps to restrain her. However, he stopped once he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N left the broadcasting room, the door swinging shut.

"Tsukasa-sama," Sakura's calm, collected tone rang in his ears. "Give her time."

"Not fair!" He crossed his arms. "Why does Amane like her so much? I don't get it. Whatever Amane likes, I want to like, too!"

Sakura stiffened impatiently. "You can't force someone to be your friend. It's not something that happens in the blink of an eye."

"She stole Amane from me," Tsukasa cut in, looking up at the greenette dejectedly.

"Try to think positively." Sakura deadpanned.

"You're right." His eyes narrowed in thought. However, they went wide in almost a milisecond.

"I'll steal her  from Amane!"

"Tsukasa!" The girl interrupted sternly. She tried to mask her worry with an angry expression. She knew beforehand Y/N was a kind student; in spite of being bound to him, she wouldn't allow him to brutally harm her.

"What's the matter?" He frowned.

"You can't simply jump to such drastic actions. She doesn't even like you..."

At this, the spirit's puzzled look faded. A mischievous smile made its way to his face.

"Too bad, then. I've grown to like her."


That night, Y/N decided to stay over at Yashiro's. She always did that when she couldn't stand being around her mother; for now, that bothersome person would be Hanako.

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