Fighting Back

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Day 2 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako

Y/N woke up to find that her uniform had been magically fixed; the button was back in its place.


She woke up to find that she was still in her classroom... she checked the wallclock on the far corner.

6:30 am.

'But classes don't start until 7 am! Why am I here this early?'  Y/N thought to herself, looking around at the empty classroom. 'This isn't even my section...'

Her fingers kept fumbling with the fixed button, when suddenly, it all came crashing down on her.


She remembered, now. She had wanted to kill herself, but couldn't bring herself to... other than her fear of blood, there was something else holding her back. She had asked for a School Wonder, Hanako, for help. He had refused. He went on to give her the gauze she wore, then brought her here, slept next to her...

'....wait, I slept next to him.'

She turned a little red at the memory, patting her cheeks to try and fight down the small blush. Never again will she be open to a boy. Ever.

But still... maybe she could settle her qualms and trust him. He had been very nice (save the irksome, perverted teases he had thrown at her) and Y/N still believed that was too good to be true.

'If it was a dream, it was the best dream I've ever had.'

"Ohayou, Y/N!"

'Or maybe not.'

Y/N turned around to find the peculiar ghost boy opening the classroom door.

"Did you sleep well?" He grinned, tilting his head.

"Gosh, this is all so surreal..." Y/N ran a hand through her H/C locks, massaging her temples.

Hanako perked up curiously. He hovered towards her, by her side in an instant.

"Whatever do you mean?" He frowned.

"You're my friend, right?" Y/N asked, clasping one of his hands.

The corners of Hanako's mouth twitched into a small grin.

"You bet! Accept it already."

Y/N had never felt more happy in her life.

For the first time in a long while, she managed to smile back.

Hanako looked down at her in surprise. As a wanderer of this school, he had never seen her smile. It was a small, simple one.

And he liked it a lot.

He was a sucker for rare things, and he knew Y/N rarely smiled. And to think he was the one behind it. It was indescribably-

"Hey, look. The nerd's so insane she's talking to herself now!"

Both highschoolers whipped their heads to the doorway. Y/N's eyes grew wide in fear... Hanako's narrowed in irritation.

There stood a redhead all too familiar for Y/N. She stood her ground shakily.

"Who is that?" Hanako whispered, his voice uncomfortably close to Y/N's ear. She shivered at the dangerously low tone; so different from his usual cheery one.

"Tobero...." Y/N tried to reply quietly, but he had heard her.

"Yes, nerd? Will you quit talking to yourself?" Tobero's partner-in-crime, Futama, lazily leaned against the doorway.

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