Two Friends

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Day 2 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako

Yashiro's eyes darted from Tobero's knocked out body, Y/N smiling at a boy with a knife...

...a boy with a knife?!

Yashiro tackled the apparition without a second thought.

"Who are you?!" She demanded. "What are you doing here?! If you dare lay a finger on Y/N-"

Hanako looked up at her with a smirk, then phased through her grasp.

Yashiro's eyes went wide.


She felt two arms wrap around her waist, struggling to pull her away from the boy.

Her head whipped around in surprise to Y/N.

"Y-Y/N-chan! What are you doing?!" Yashiro gasped. "This boy... he hurt Tobero! What if he-"

"He won't, Yashiro!" Y/N cut in determinedly, still trying to pull her despite her wounded arm. "He's my friend!"

Yashiro allowed her friend to pull her back as she was lost in confusion.

Hanako slowly got up, dusting his uniform. He peered down at Yashiro curiously.

"Y/N, who is this?"

"Who are you?!" Yashiro fiercely retorted, protectively standing in front of a nonplussed Y/N.

"Yashiro-chan..." Y/N begged.

"Oh, I'll give your friend the answer she needs." Hanako bowed courteously and tipped his hat.

"My name is Hanako, the 7th wonder of this school! And I take it that you're Yashiro, Y/N's best friend?"

Yashiro, upon hearing those words, grew silent, frozen in place. Her eyes were wide in shock.

Y/N awkwardly tapped Yashiro's shoulder.

"He means no harm...." She murmured pleadingly. "...can you please allow me to explain the situation?"

"J-Just the two of us." Yashiro stammered, holding Y/N's hand.

Hanako didn't quite like that. He got up, floated towards Y/N, and slinked his arms around her waist.

"Oh, no.... If she's going anywhere, she's going with me." He said smoothly, staring up at Yashiro in an almost menacing way.

Y/N was in the midst of embarrassment and confusion. Yashiro bit her lip.

"Who are you to boss Y/N-chan around like that?!"

"We had a deal," He peered over at Y/N with a smirk, but in his eyes, it seemed like he was asking a question:

'Should I tell her about it?'

Y/N quietly shook her head. Hanako was taken aback, but nodded in understanding.

Poor Yashiro looked back and forth between friend and ghost, then cleared her throat.

"Ahem, forgetting someone?"

Y/N took ahold of Yashiro's hand again, pulling out of Hanako's grasp (which he allowed reluctantly.)

"Alright! This is what happened..."


"You summoned Hanako?!"

"I-I did it because I wanted him to fix my wound." Y/N lied.

"Y/N!" Her friend exclaimed in exasparation, holding her hands. "I could do that for you myself! You just need to ask!"

"Well, too late!" Hanako stuck out his tongue.

Yashiro rolled her eyes at the ghost. She placed her hands on her hips.

"You're telling me Hanako was the one who beated up Tobero? And why didn't you tell me he was bullying you?!"

"I didn't want to drag you into my mess..." Y/N twiddled her fingers, shamefully looking at the floor.

Yashiro placed her hands on her shoulders.

"Y/N," she settled her eyes on her friend. "Don't feel that way! I'm always here for you!"

"Me too!" Hanako "gently" shoved Yashiro aside, holding her hand.

"Thanks, you two!" Y/N smiled softly, looking at the floor. Tears were threatening to pour out again, which she quickly held back.

"I'm very grateful and all, but..."

Looking at Tobero's body, a sudden thought clouded her mind. She bit her lip, then slipped out of her friends' grasps.

Hanako and Yashiro looked at eachother in surprise. They followed after Y/N, who was pacing anxiously.

"But how am I going to do this...?" She mumbled to herself.

"Eh?" Yashiro tilted her head.

"You can see Hanako." Y/N said. "But Tobero can't... does that mean other people can see him, too?"

"I think Yashiro simply has the special ability to see us supernaturals." Hanako thoughtfully added. "Not to worry, Y/N! It's extremely rare."

("Wow! I'm special!" Yashiro grinned to herself.)

"So that means... it's alright if you would be by my side?" Y/N looked up curiously at the floating spirit. Hanako laughed, shaking his head.

"You silly girl! I'll always be by your side! That was our agreement..."

"But you'll have to keep quiet? Isn't that hard?" Y/N pointed out, crossing her arms.

"Y/N-chan's got a point." Yashiro added. "And if you really are going to help her, you should just leave it to me!"

"Awww, but by then we'll be breaking the deal-"  The ghost drifted down to the floor, landing close behind Y/N.

"Hanako?" Y/N squeaked.

"I promise I'll be quiet," He whispered,  his breath fanning her right ear. "I'll always talk softly like this. Is that what you'd like, Y/N?"

She instantly pulled away from the ghost, rushing behind Yashiro. The daikon whipped around in surprise.

"D-DO NOT T-TALK LIKE THAT!" Y/N blurted. She crossed her arms, forming an X; signalling a big "NO."

Hanako smirked, raising a brow. Yashiro, being all sisterly, patted Y/N in the head.

"It's alright. I think he's just teasing you, Y/N-chan!"

"Make it stop." Her friend cried.

"Oh really, now?" He laughed. "I think that's the exact opposite of what you want!"

Y/N was about to retort, but approaching footsteps outside cast a silence on the young trio.

"Is that..." Y/N's eyes widened.

"...more students?" Yashiro finished for her.

Hanako held his hands together, a bright grin on his face.

"Well, then! Fate has decided! I shall be blending in with you both."

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