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Day 4 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako

Dismissal, 4:30 pm...

'I want you to kill me.'

She never thought she'd take back those words; never in a million years. Who would've known it would only take four days? And by some completely random ghost boy?

Y/N fiddled with the rim of her collar as she anxiously paced the school's rooftop. The sun went down, painting everything in gold.

She had enjoyed these past few days too much. It was so refreshing and unbelievably touching that everything had flashed by in a blur.

She was so overwhelmed with seeing life at its greatest she forgot she'd soon be experiencing its worse:


Would it hurt to say she wanted more?

Would it hurt to take back a wish?

"Hello, Y/N!" A teasing voice called out. "Why'd you run off? I missed you!"

She stopped her anxious pacing. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"Hi, Hanako-kun." She said lowly.

The grin was immediately wiped off his face. He could instantly tell something was wrong. Hanako had a gut feeling he knew what it is.

"I've been wondering..." Y/N slowly turned around to face him.

"...can I take back a wish?"

Hanako's body tensed.

They both stared at eachother for a long time; one hopeful and trusting, the other nervous and guilty.

"Well..." Hanako started slowly, taking a deep breath in.

It was hard to say the truth, but he had to stay strong for her until tomorrow.

"...have you heard of rumors?"

Y/N perked up at the term. "Yes! The Mokke explained them! If a Supernatural doesn't follow a rumor, even so much as a little mishap, they will vanish."

Hanako nodded, slowly drifting to her side. He settled beside Y/N, who now leaned against the rails, her eyes fixed on the sky.

"What is my rumor?"

"That's a piece of cake!" Y/N laughed. "'Hanako-san grants you a wish for something in return. Once the deal is sealed..."

The laughter in her eyes suddenly disappeared. Hanako felt a terrible stab of guilt.

"...Hanako-san never goes back on a promise."

The spirit gave her a few moments to take in the ugly truth. Soon after...

"I see," Y/N said softly, eyes dropping to the floor.

Hanako took a deep breath in. What would she think? What a selfish jerk, probably.

Selfish indeed. It was selfish of him to want to keep her alive. But it was againts his role; he could not sacrifice the balance of all Supernatural kind for her.

Or could he?

"Actually..." Hanako began quickly.

"No, it's fine." Y/N smiled. "I understand."

Hanako couldn't believe his own ears. Had he just heard that right?

"You have a whole school of Supernaturals to protect!" Y/N said with a firm voice. She had a wide, determined smile, but Hanako could see past that. What looked like tears were welling up in the corners of her eyes.

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