Speaking Up

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"...she was talking about her mother." Tsukasa finished thoughtfully, looking at the black wisp in wonder. "Why would she?"

The kakujoudai stayed quiet, merely afloat. It looked like it had run out of things to say.

"Hmm..." Tsukasa tapped a finger to his chin.

"Tsukasa." Sakura looked up emotionlessly. "Have you ever stopped to think why she has a gauzed arm?"

"Why would I care?" He snorted.

"If you're so curious about her mother, you should take it into detail." Sakura continued with a shrug. "Y/N is a mellow girl. She wouldn't lay a knife on herself. But what about...."



"....my mum." Y/N finished, clutching her dress nervously. "It was my mum who gave me the cut."

The reaction was inevitable. Yashiro and Kou exploded into a wave of hysteria, anger, and worry.

"You said it was a cat!"

"Why didn't you say this earlier!"

"We're here to help you!"

"W-Well...." Y/N tried to keep her composure. She felt a stab of guilt for not opening up earlier.

"You see, Y/N trusts me the most." Hanako took over smoothly, wrapping an arm over her shoulders. Yashiro and Kou rolled their eyes as he pressed her closer to his side.

"Not true!" Y/N looked away crossly as Hanako gave her an affectionate glance.

"Alright, you lovebirds." Yashiro folded her hands, looking at Y/N more seriously.

"For reals, though. Why only open up now? And why did you go to Hanako... not me?"

Y/N didn't miss the hurt in Yashiro's eyes as she spoke. She was about to answer, when Kou piped up with another question.

"What were you intending to wish for?"

Y/N's heart stopped as Yashiro and Kou's curious eyes burned her.

She didn't want to open up about her past desire to die. She didn't want to look weak in front of people; most of all her friends.

Before she could panic and make an excuse, Hanako beat her to it.

"She wished for her mother to go away." He said with a firm, nonchalant tone.

Y/N looked at him gratefully. Yashiro and Kou nodded, accepting it right away.

"So that's why you always came to my house," Yashiro murmured. "I should've known...."

"You can come to my house too!" Kou offered hastily, blue eyes shining. "You can stay! I'll convince my parents! Anything to keep you safe!"

Y/N was too overwhelmed with happiness to catch Hanako's jealous glare at the blonde.

She shrugged the ghost boy's arm off, then looked at them all determinedly.

"I'm opening up because I've decided to tell the principal.... I have no idea what I can do about her, but maybe he does."

All three friends looked up at her in amazement. Everyday, it seemed Y/N was getting more and more confident to talk with people.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Kou instantly asked.

"What about me?" Yashiro harrumphed.

"Guys!" Y/N waved her hands bashfully. "I'll be fine!"

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