Saying Goodbye

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"Look at this!" Y/N held up a booklet filled with equations, angles, radicals, and the like.

Hanako stiffened. He had never seen something so scary.

"This... is going to be in your entrance  exam?" He gaped in disbelief.

Y/N nodded faintly, flipping through the pages.

"How do I study this?nYashiro could only help in English! Kou is great support, but not a great teacher..."

Hanako paused thoughtfully at the frantic girl. She had approached him in the bathroom in the middle of recess.

"I don't know if I'll be of help, but I'll try my best." He gave her a thumbs up, smiling brightly. Y/N felt relief surge through her as Hanako's old, happy spirit was returning.

"Later tonight! Now go off and eat your recess!"

"Huh?" Y/N blinked. "Won't you join me, Yashiro-chan, and Kou-kun?"

"I have to check on the Wonders." Hanako dismissively waved.

Y/N nodded curtly, babbling hasty "thank-you's" and "you're the best's" She hurriedly rushed outside, Yashiro and Kou already waiting for her.


"7th Wonder?" A tired, groggy voice asked from behind him. "What are you doing?"

Hanako turned around in a flash. He held a lot of books to his chest, and one had just toppled over to the ground.

"Tsuchigomori." He groaned. "You gave me a heart attack!"

"Algebra and Geometry?" The teacher ignored his comment, tilting the fallen book in one hand suspiciously. "Since when were you fond of math?"

Hanako cleared his throat, turning to leave. Tsuchigomori had to stifle a laugh; he looked like he was going to fall under the weight of the books he carried.

"If you're going to teach somebody, don't get ahead of yourself." The teacher huffed, a small cloud of smoke puffing out.

Hanako scoffed. "I don't know what you mean."

"7th Wonder, don't pretend I don't know what you plan to do."

Hanako looked to the side, obediently following his teacher's advice. Perhaps he could care to spare a book or two.

"Better." Tsuchigomori nodded approvingly. "Now good luck tutoring."

"You don't even have solid evidence." Hanako rolled his eyes.

"Ah," the teacher smirked knowingly. "You're telling me the Mokke's reports aren't true?"

'The Mokke?'  A furious flash of anger ran through him. 'How long have they been spying on...'

"That was quite a lovely evening you two shared," Tsuchigomori continued snarkily, clearly enjoying Hanako's embarrassment. "But I have to inform you, classrooms aren't the right place to f-"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hanako forced a grin, stepping out of the library.


"Okay, right here."

Y/N narrowed her E/C eyes as she strained to find "x." She did not quite understand what to do next.

The moon provided a soft, natural light for the two students. A flashlight (which Hanako begdrudgingly asked the teasing Mokke to steal) was a brighter one, which sat across the math book Hanako had got.

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