Keep It Together

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Request for transfer to Sukora Academy:

Name: Y/N M/N L/N
Date of birth: Y/BDY
Adress: Y/AD
Reason for transfer: Switching schools to work closer to new home
New location of home: 12th District, Yamata
Date of entrance exam: 10/5/20

The list went on and on. Y/N held up the paper and looked to the side soberly, not even daring to look at Hanako's face.

He stayed awfully quiet during the whole ordeal. He didn't smile; simply read. Y/N didn't want to say anything, but she felt she had to.

"I'm being taken in by a distant relative," Y/N finally found her voice. She spoke heavily, but tried to sound firm. "I.... I need to go to my cousin's school. I'll be too far away."

Hanako still stayed quiet. Y/N sighed; she had to get straight to the point-

"I'm transferring."

That seemed to pull Hanako back down to earth.

"I see." He tipped his hat low to hide the  distress in his eyes. Y/N reached out to touch him.

"I'm fine!" The spirit forced a grin, looking up.

Y/N took a step back. His smile had been too jarring. She knew he was lying, and she was determined to make him feel better.

"Look, I'm sorry!" Y/N shamefully looked down at the grass on her feet. "I want to stay with you, trust me. But you're bound to this school, while I'm bound to leave. I-"

"Just listen."

Y/N looked up anxiously.

Hanako had lost his grin now. He knew no lie would work on her. They knew eachother so well they practically read the other like an open book.

"I'm fine." He repeated in a steely voice. "Pretend this conversation... Y/N, listen!"

Y/N, who had been going to get the bag of donuts, flinched at his tone. He had never directed anger towards her.

Hanako's eyes flashed threateningly. "Pretend this conversation under this tree never happened. Do you understand?"

Y/N bit her lip. Just earlier, he seemed to be incredibly calm. Why was he so furious?

"I'm sorry..." she kept babbling. Though she tripped on her words, it was only because she couldn't pour out her regret on them alone. "I'll try to convince the prin-"

"Just go!"

Y/N knew he didn't want her to. She could see the start of tears in his slitted, hostile gaze.



"HANAKO-KUN!" Y/N called above the ringing of the schoolbell.

"Y/N-CHAN!" A pair of voices rose higher.

Y/N whipped her head around to see Kou and Yashiro, rushing up to her with incredibly worried looks on their faces.

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