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The girl stood her ground, facing the spirit.

"So, Y/N." Hanako said coolly. She was taken aback by his calm, collected tone. Just yesterday, he had sounded so nervous and pained.

"Any last words?"

Y/N felt tears well up in her eyes. She rushed to Hanako, arms stretched out wide.

She looked like she was going to collapse. Hanako got a little worried.


She didn't answer, instead burying her face in his chest. Ghost boy stood frozen on the spot as she wrapped her arms around him.

It was there that she began to tremble.

"I don't know..." Y/N bursted into a quiet sob, shamefully looking at the floor.

Hanako's grip on the knife grew taut. He forced himself to stay in a stiff position.

If he was going to kill her, he wanted to make it quick. He wanted to forget it as soon as possible; no exchange of words or actions to haunt him for another eternity.

But he couldn't help but slowly slink his arms around her, too. He had never hugged someone; but if anyone needed an embrace, Y/N was definitely a priority.

Her hands curled so tightly against his shoulders her knuckles were white. Hanako had never held something so fragile.

He didn't mind that his uniform got wet with her tears. He let her keep crying and crying and crying.

"Any last words?"  He repeated in a steely voice. He couldn't handle seeing her in pain anymore.

Y/N slowly looked up, cheeks flushed in red from anguish.

"I'm not ready."

The knife almost fell from his trembling hands. Hanako gritted his teeth, tightening his grip. He had to finish her before this moment could cause them any more trouble.

He lifted the knife above her head. Y/N looked up with wide eyes.

First, they were of terror and fear. Of instinct to run away.

But she stayed put. Slowly, a warm smile formed on her face.

"Thank you, Hanako-kun."

Hanako couldn't move his hands.
His grip only got worse and worse. He tried to plunge down, but he couldn't. Eventually...

His arms gave away in defeat.

"Hanako?!"  Y/N said with a start.

He slowly put down the knife. He finally succombed to the bitter truth he had tried to avoid:

"I'm not, either."

Y/N's eyes went wide. "Hanako..."

He looked at her warily, hands gripping his uniform tightly.

"I can't do it."

"But I don't want you to vanish!" Y/N exclaimed, gripping him by the shoulders. Hanako looked at her incredulously as she steadied her eyes with his.

"What about your duty? What about the other Supernaturals?"

"What about you?"

Y/N tensed up. Through her tears she forced a smile, then said the biggest lie she'd ever say.

"I-I was kidding! I am  ready!" Y/N blurted. "I can die! It's for you! It's for-"

She was silenced by Hanako gently carressing her right cheek.

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