In a New Light

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Day 2 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako

Hundreds of eyes were staring at Y/N as she walked down the school halls.

"Hey, look at that!" Yashiro teased, nudging her friend. "You're popular now!"

But Y/N wasn't happy with the notion at all.

"Did you hear how she beat up Tobara?"

"She has more fight than I thought."

Y/N was heartbroken. Now people would only fear her; she had become the bully.

Hanako, who had been floating  alongside the girls and listening intently to the crowd of students, took notice of her crestfallen expression.

"Hey, Y/N!" He piped up quietly, tugging gently at her arm. "Listen more closely."

Y/N looked up at him questioningly, but played along.

"The way she could defend herself... that was so cool!"

Y/N's eyes lifted almost instantly. She listened more.

"I thought I was the only one Tobero picked on. I must talk to her; I hope she knows she's not alone..."

Y/N's eyes shimmered with a light Yashiro and Hanako thought was the brightest they've ever seen. She turned to listen even more-


Y/N fell harshly to the floor. Yashiro gasped in horror; Hanako's eyes were wide. It was hard for him to keep quiet (due to many students turning to look at their direction) as he helped Yashiro pull her up.

"O-Oh! My bad! I'm so, so sorry!" Her assailant stammered.

Y/N looked up a little angrily at the perpetrator.

He was a rather tall boy, with blonde hair and electric blue eyes. Y/N's eyes narrowed at his features.

'Awfully familiar.'

The boy shyly extended a hand, which Y/N doubtfully took. Hanako stiffened.

Passerby students whistled at this awkward exchange and went on their way.

"Watch where you're going," Y/N cradled her right arm, still gauzed.

"Y-yeah! You almost hurt Y/-" Yashiro began, but she cut off abruptly once she met eyes with the newcomer.

"Kou?!" She exclaimed.

The boy named Kou looked up at Yashiro with wide eyes.

"Ah! Yashiro-chan!"

Y/N looked back and forth between the blonde and her friend.

"Who is...?"

"Ah, Y/N!" Yashiro smiled. "This is senp- Minamoto Teru's brother! I met him along with Teru when I was looking for you..."

"Ah, no wonder why you looked familiar!" Y/N noted. "You're the brother of Yashiro's cru-!"

Yashiro clamped a hand on her friend's mouth, embarrassed. A concerned but bemused Kou looked back and forth between them.

"Again, sorry for bumping into ya' there, Y/N-chan!" Kou laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair. Y/N forced a smile, waving it off.

"By the way!" The blonde looked up out of the blue. "Who's this?"

Yashiro and Y/N stiffened as he gestured to Hanako.

Y/N noticed he had been awfully quiet, trying not to catch attention. However, it seemed like Kou could see him as clear as they did.

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