Learning Goodbye

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Hanako stared down at her with wide, frightened eyes. He had tried to avoid the girl because of his selfish regret of confessing.

It was not exactly a good mix, being turned down by the person he looked up to, then hearing she was going to leave.

"Are you okay?" Y/N timidly tried to hold his hands, who's knuckles had already turned white from their tight grip.

"Did Tsukasa... hurt you?" Hanako spluttered. He realized that, through it all, he could not push away Y/N for even a moment. A part of him always worried about her no matter what he did.

"No?" Y/N looked even more frightened now, at the mention of his brother. "Did he hurt you? I came looking for you!"

The spirit took a deep breath in, feeling relieved, and a little embarrassed. He was always the one looking for her, not the other way around.

"I'm fine." He said quietly.

His grip had loosened. Y/N used this as an opportunity to wriggle free and slip away.

Hanako didn't mind. His gaze was still lost, eyes clouded with an emotion Y/N couldn't distinguish.

"Hanako-kun?" She piped up quietly, unsure how to comfort him.

She despised the way the ghost had comforted her through many things, yet when Y/N tried to return the favour, she didn't know what to say. She curled her fists determinedly.

Y/N tried to stay strong for the shaken spirit, as he slowly looked up at her. "Yes?"

"Do you need something?" Y/N ventured gently. "Do you want to go anywhere?"

"Any place will do." He looked to the side, unable to meet her eyes. "As long as you'll be there as well."

She grew a little embarrassed at the comment, but Hanako didn't look like he was trying to be a pervert.

If she was going to be Hanako's way to cope with everything, so be it.

Y/N held his hand with her own two, helping him up. "Well, then! Let's go!"

Hanako watched in amazement as Y/N confidently weaved through the empty halls. The sun slowly sank, shadows lengthening across the floor.

Y/N used to be indecisive, depending on him for help. Now, she looked like she could fare just fine.

Through the harrowing situation, Hanako couldn't help but muster a small smile.

Y/N opened the door to a vacant classroom, sitting on the small stage by the chalkboard. Hanako did the same.

And then, there was silence.

Y/N appreciated how it enveloped them, protecting them from the fear of saying the wrong thing.

Hanako took a moment to reflect, pick up his emotions, gather his thoughts.

Y/N looked up. It was time to express herself.

"I'm sorry!"  Both teenagers blurted at the same time.

Another silence. This time, it was a stunned one.

"Sorry for...?"


The atmosphere of regret slowly turned into one of confusion.

"Why did you say that?" Y/N tilted her head.

"Everything!" Hanako exclaimed.

"You did nothing wrong." Y/N flatly stated. "I did the mistake."

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