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"She's familiar with the Rift. I'm sure she can handle it just fine."

Aka Manto held the knife closer to her heart, closing her eyes and furrowing her brows.

She tried to drown out Tsukasa's lofty, relaxed tone; he did not care about Y/N. He did not know how painful it was for her to kill.

"I don't want to do this..."

"One kill, or a hundred more?" His voice grew sharp and icy.

Aka Manto flinched, red eyes shimmering with guilt.

"One more."

"So, are you ready?"

Her grip on the hilt of the knife grew tight. Just one kill, she kept telling herself. After that, there would be no more. Just peace and freedom.

"Yes, I'm ready."


4:00 pm, Kamome's school grounds...

Hanako watched as the sun sank behind the tall figure of the Confession Tree, hands in his pockets and eyes unfocused.

He wasn't sure how he'd do something he'd tried to forget about for three months; something he had tried to bury in the back of his mind, because he believed it was not meant to be.

He closed his eyes, trying to coax himself and his anxiety for what he was going to do.

All he knew was that, this time, he'd make sure the outcome was different.


'There she is.'

Hanako turned around with a small smile, feeling relieved. "You came."

"You bet!" Y/N gave him a thumbs up, E/C eyes sparkling with excitement.

Hanako sighed. It was his own wish that had been fulfilled. Seeing Y/N as the way he pictured her to be, from the first time they met; content, without a care in the world, and nothing to trouble her.

"Won't C/N miss you, though?" Hanako cocked his head to one side.

"I spent three months with them." Y/N replied patiently, a hint of amusement in her tone. "And to spend one night with you? I think they can wait!"

Hanako laughed, looking at her gratefully.

"I really missed you, Y/N!" His voice was higher, now; much more delighted and much more relaxed.

'Is this how a confession goes?'  Hanako thought nervously. 'I'm not anxious? Just laidback?'

"I missed you, too." Y/N replied simply. However, her eyes brimmed with such meaning that Hanako had to look away before blushing again.

"Anyway!" The Sukora student ventured, walking past the flustered spirit to see the setting sun. "Why did you call me here?"

"Oh, you know-" Hanako trailed off awkwardly, trying to think of an excuse. "To catch up. How have you been these past three months,  Y/N?"

That seemed to spark some joy into the curious girl. "A lot of things have happened, I tell you!"

And so began their walk. They strayed from the crowded areas where staff and students would be flocking home, following a route to the back of the school and into its garden.

For the first time in a while, Hanako did not have to force a smile; he was genuinely pleased to talk with her again.

He drifted beside her as she went on about how she had learned how to kick, how she was proud of beating Tsukasa up, and the like.

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