The Yugi Twins

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"Let her go." Hanako replied simply, looking a bit uneased as his lookalike smiled brightly at him.

"HANAKO. GET. ME. OUT." Y/N mouthed in panic. Hanako acknowledged this with the barest hint of a nod.

"I'VE MISSED YOU!" Tsukasa cheerily exclaimed, ignoring Hanako's command.

"The same goes for me," Hanako said, but his eyes stayed on Y/N's wide, helpless ones.

Now Y/N was confused. Why was Hanako hesitating to attack her assailant? Why was her cheek burning?

She began to feel overwhelmed with all the confusion; almost like she was going to pass out.

Hanako caught her discomfort. His hands curled into fists behind his back as he faced his twin in the eyes.

"Tsukasa." Hanako said with a little more force. "Please. Let Y/N go."

Y/N felt the arms around her... Tsukasa's arms, as Hanako called him, grip her tighter. She wanted to die of embarrassment. Close contact wasn't exactly her forté.

Even Tsukasa sensed her lightheadedness. He begdrudgingly let her go.

Y/N stumbled out with a start, E/C eyes wide in terror. She immediately rushed to Hanako's side.

"'Hope you're happy, Amane." Tsukasa pouted. "The both of us were just becoming great friends!"

"Wh-Who is that?!"  Y/N's voice was still shaking from panic.

"My twin brother." Hanako replied lowly.

Y/N's eyes dawned with realization. Why hadn't she noticed before? 

"So it is true," Tsukasa continued, not catching their discomfort. He circled them with catlike curiousity. "You both are close as heck!  Amane, do you like her? Can I know her, too? She's a lovely person!"

Hanako instinctively held Y/N's hand. Y/N was glad to feel the warmth; Tsukasa never failed to send shivers down her spine.

"Is that a no?" Tsukasa's eyes narrowed.

"W-we said neither!" Y/N dared to croak out.

"I see..." Tsukasa sighed, arms crossed as he floated lazily in a lying position. "You both are too tightly-knit ya have to make the decision together! 'You guys a couple?"

Y/N and Hanako turned red in the face.

"N-Now listen-"


"Amane," Tsukasa cut in, smirking at Hanako. "You better make the first move, or I'll do it myself."

Y/N could sense tension between the twins. She felt so uncomfortable she just wanted to leave.

As if on cue, the door behind them swung open.

"May I come in?" Sakura's monotonous voice emanated through the broadcasting room.

"Ah! Sakura!" Tsukasa grinned at the greenette as she timidly stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Sakura?" Y/N croaked, eyes wide. "Y-You know-?"

"Y/N." Her half-lidded eyes settled unto hers. "May I speak with you?"

"Of course." -Y/N began, then Sakura added-


Even Hanako was suspicious. Y/N was about to answer, when Tsukasa tackled his brother to the ground in a giant bear hug.

"AGH! TSUKASA-" Hanako's exclamation went unheard.

"STOP IGNORING ME! IT'S BEEN SOOOOOO LONG!" Tsukasa whined, clinging on to him in a childish manner.

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