Under the Confession Tree

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A few minutes before Lunch...

Y/N was absolutely confused by Hanako's words. Right after he said them, he had drifted off and disappeared before she could ask a question.

"What's the Confession Tree?" Y/N whispered in a hushed murmur to her purple-haired friend. Aoi perked up.

"The Confession Tree!" She clasped her hands in wonder. "Why? Is someone going to confess to you?"

"What?"  Y/N exclaimed. "No! No way...  my haircut isn't that great!"

"Everyone thinks otherwise!" Aoi stifled a giggle. "Most of the boys gawk at you as if you're a completely different person."

Y/N looked down. "Back to the topic at hand...?"

"Oh! Right!" Aoi laughed. She looked wistfully out of the window, at the huge tree that lay grandly in the middle of the school grounds.

"They say whoever confesses under that tree will have a meaningful and lasting relationship." Aoi pressed her hand to her chest. "If someone asks you out, you better bet they really mean what they're gonna' say!"

Y/N couldn't help but feel her cheeks burn.

"Is that why he asked me out?" Y/N thought, eyes to the floor.

"Holy cow." Aoi's purple eyes went wide. "Somebody did  ask you out!"

'Oh crackers. Did I just say that out loud?'

"N-No!" Y/N stammered hastily, making frantic hand gestures. "That's not t-true! Y-You've heard-"

"Oh, just get on with it!" Aoi laughed, pushing her out of the doorway of the empty classroom. "Accept the lucky guy's confession already!"


Y/N kept fumbling with the brown paper bag of donuts, the predicament weighing down on her, making it hard to breathe.

Her heart seemed to race faster with every step she took towards the huge tree. Right now, it was deserted. Everyone had gone to eat in the canteen.

Hanako had something to confess. She did, too. Although the paper was light on her pocket, she found it heavy in the heart.

She almost wished that he wouldn't be there; Y/N didn't want to see his reaction to what she had to say.

Of course, that couldn't come to pass. He was already there. Almost like he had been waiting.

"Hey, stutterbug." Hanako slowly turned to face her, a small grin on his face.

She couldn't help but feel the anxiety pulling her down lessen just a little. Hanako had an interesting way of making her relieved whenever she saw him.

"That old nickname?" Y/N shook her head, chuckling good-naturedly. She sat on the grass. Hanako did the same. "You should change it. I haven't stuttered quite as much."

"I can make you stutter," Hanako smirked. "Don't test me."

Y/N puffed her cheeks, letting out a low whistle. She shifted a little to the side, biting her tongue to stop her instinctive stammering.

"Let's not do that."

"C'mon, now." Hanako wrapped his arms from behind her, pulling the startled girl into an embrace.


"Mhm?" His voice was muffled as he pressed his face on her shoulder.

"Stop it. You can't make me stammer anymore." Y/N stubbornly lifted her chin high.

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