Getting Revenge

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Day 2 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako


Y/N always kept a checklist of things she wanted to accomplish. It had been with her for a year now, and she thought she'd try to tick some things off. The first line:

1) Make new friends.

That was something she never thought she could achieve... but with the help of Yashiro's bubbly spirit, she had come to befriend Tazumo, Aborochi, Kou and Sabiro... at least, she felt she did.

But those conversations she had with those four, as awkward and short as they were, were all filled with laughter and smiles.

She ticked the first line out.

2) Be less awkward with boys.

For starters, Y/N would've checked it when she met Hanako, but he had this way of making her feel a little jumpy. He also got her heart racing, face heating, and making her stutter like crazy... so she pushed that aside.

When she talked with Sabiro during lunch, he was very shy. But due to their similarities of being introverted, they quickly got along.

As for Kou... Y/N didn't understand why he got all embarrassed when she smiled. He'd turn away, as if to hide his face. But he was very nice and accommodating.

So, that's a great start! Second line ticked.

3) Earn money for mum.

Y/N's eyes darkened a little.

She had written that goal a long time ago, way back before her arm had been slashed.

She had wanted to earn money because she wished for her mother to buy something and enjoy it. She always looked so mad and frustrated.

No matter how harsh she was, all she could feel was sympathy... now, rather obviously, her feelings had changed a little.

'Let's skip that.'

4) Get good grades.

Y/N stiffened at this one.


"Hey, Y/N!" Yashiro waved a hand in front of her face. Y/N bolted up in surprise.

"Why have you been staring at your checklist for so long?"

"S-sorry!" Y/N stammered, shoving the paper in her pocket.

With the school bell signaling classes were over, the two friends got up, packing their bags and heading out.

"So, how were Tazumo and Aborochi?"

"Chatterboxes," Y/N sighed. "But they were very friendly.."


"Nice to talk to."

"Kou?" Yashiro had a smirk as she said his name.

Y/N rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"I don't like him, Yashiro!" Y/N groaned. "At least... not as much as you love his brother!"

"Sh-Shut up!" Yashiro gasped. "A-anyways... What about Hanako-san?"

Y/N wavered unsurely at his name.

"Just before lunchbreak started, when you were away, he privately told me he had to run some errands around the school..." Y/N shrugged, then pointed at a funny wisp floating above her shoulder.

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