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The last thing Y/N could remember was someone's teary-eyed face as her vision clouded in a horrible red sheen.

It had been very painful. She could not count how many times a rack of pain made her convulse, weak, and tired. She was glad it had disappeared in the flash.

'But why is it so cold?'

Y/N slowly unfurled from the knot she didn't realize she was in. She weakly held up her hand to a shaft of sunlight pouring out from a window high above.

'The room is back to normal?'

She got on her knees, and felt a surge of relief as she examined her hand. There was no blood. However...

'...why does it look like my hand is faded?'

That was when she looked up.


A boy with choppy black hair, amber eyes, and a black patch had extended a hand to help her up. Y/N glanced at him gratefully, taking it.

"H-Hello... who are you?"

"Tsukasa." The boy chided in a friendly manner, a warm smile on his face. "And you are?"

"Y/N." Y/N said almost instantly, her eyes distant. Her mind felt fuzzy with confusion; she could not bring herself to say anything more.

"Y/N, and I...."

'Where do I come from?'

'Who is my family?'

'Why am I here?'

The questions began to overwhelm her, making her fall to the ground, letting out an agonized wail. She pulled strands of her H/C hair in panic, eyes dilated.

"WHO AM I?!"

"You're Aka Manto." Tsukasa went on, gently lifting a trembling Y/N's chin with a finger. "You are the leading wonder of Sukora, the school where you reside in."

"I-I'm Aka Manto..." Y/N stammered, following his words in a lost, desperate way to find herself. "I am the leading wonder of Sukora, the school where I reside in..."

Cold tears rushed out of her eyes, pouring down her face. She wanted to understand, but could not come to a clear answer.

'I look weak. I hate looking weak. I despise looking weak!'

"Wh-what's... my purpose?"

"You don't want to look frail, don't you?" Tsukasa gave her a sad, sympathetic smile. He gingerly pulled her into a hug, which Y/N reluctantly agreed to.

"Someone's ultimatum of weakness is being killed." Tsukasa whispered. "And you want to know who killed you?"

Y/N felt a surge of anger to whoever murdered her.

She would make them her enemy; whoever had done this to her, killed her and left her at a pathetic loss, will be reduced to a state just as weak as her own.

"Who is it, Tsukasa?"

"Yugi Amane." He pulled away, giving her a look of infinite pity. "He killed you and left you here."

She fought to contain her ferocity. Someone dare take advantage of her? She was itching to uppercut... no, do something even worse to whoever brought her to such a sorry excuse for a Wonder.

Y/N took heavy, hitched breaths as she slowly descended into a crescendo of anger, loss, and confusion.

"Y/N....?" Tsukasa pressed quietly.

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