"See You Soon."

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The lighthearted feeling in her mind and the spring in her step disappeared as soon as she entered the broadcasting room.

"This time, we've got company." Sakura muttered lowly.

Y/N tilted her head and followed Sakura's annoyed stare at a certain person.

He looked like a student as well; and a familiar one, too.

"Natsuhiko?" Y/N exclaimed in surprise.

"Ah, there you are!"

Y/N immediately took a step back as Tsukasa, and not Natsuhiko, turned to her brightly.

"What do you want from me?" Y/N said rather flatly. She had been threatened by the spirit just a few weeks ago and did not intend to show any friendliness.

"Aww, don't give me that look!" Tsukasa pouted sourly. "Of course I wanted you here... to bid you goodbye!"

"Is that all?" She rose a brow suspiciously.

"C'mon here, you big grump!"

Y/N stiffened uncomfortably as Tsukasa pounced on her, giving her a giant bear hug.

Sakura stood to the side, looking away from Natsuhiko as he pestered her with words Y/N could not hear.

"I'll miss you!" Tsukasa's statement was warm, but his tone was husky.

Y/N's eyes darkened, and she did not bother to wrap her arms around him in return. She looked at the floor.

"Sukora, was it?" He lifted her chin with a finger, forcing her to look up at his slitted eyes.

Y/N strained to fight down her terror at his smug expression. That was it. He had tried to fool her with his fake friendliness.

"I don't really want to-"

"Is it Sukora?"  He demanded more harshly.

Y/N held her breath, reliving the moment he had pressed a knife against her neck. It was like he was planning yet another deceptive move.

She sighed, not wanting to get herself in trouble again.

"Yes." Y/N said shortly.

"I see." He leaned down to her ear, so that Y/N was the only one who could hear his words.

"You'll be back here before you know it."

A shiver went down her spine. Was Tsukasa trying to toy with her?

"That's enough scaring!" Sakura sternly walked up to Tsukasa, lifting the ghost boy by the arms.

Suddenly, his mischievous look was replaced with an innocent one.

"I haven't said enough!"

"Yes you have."

Tsukasa rolled his eyes as Sakura and Natsuhiko ushered him away from Y/N, but he managed to call over his shoulder.

"I have a favor to ask!" He hollered. "Can you get Amane back on his feet? He's been mooning in the bathroom for ages!"

Y/N's eyes widened; the person she could not bring herself to see.


Y/N pushed through the cheery crowd, rushing determinedly through the throng of raucous students as they headed for home.

Everybody seemed to have said goodbye. Everybody was relaxed; they would enjoy the summer and see eachother again.

As for her, this was her last chance to see her best friend.

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