Chapter 10: Another Player*

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

(The dance Peta Griffin>>>>)



I had been so busy with dance the last few days that I hadn’t really spent any time with Rina. We didn’t really talk in 3rd hour because Mrs. Hendy had us writing notes and doing labs. (I’m getting tired of all these dissections.) I finally found somebody to collect my insects for me and it only cost $100. Ryne didn’t collect any that I know of. Not that I actually expected him to or anything. Rina and I didn’t talk during lunches because I had those stupid lunch detentions. Practices were becoming longer and longer so by the time I got home from dropping Louis off, I did my 3 tons of homework, took my shower, and found my outfit for tomorrow it would be way past midnight. Which meant Rina had been sleeping for an hour by then. So, yes, I was having Rina withdraws.

I finally got my chance to speak to Rina today while we were headed to lunch. She was slightly in front of me and had no clue that I was behind her. Time to mess with her, I thought.

“Hey, stranger,” I whispered in a creepy man voice as I grabbed her upper arm. Rina let out a little shriek and started to pull away. I just tightened my grip and held back laughter. Rina finally turned around and narrowed her eyes at me. The people that turned to look at us decided that nothing horrible was happening and continued their walking.

“Fuck you, Zoe! You scared the shit out of me. I thought you were some type of fucking serial killer-slash-rapist!”

I gave her an incredulous look. “At school?”

“You never know; it could happen!” She defended as she began walking again. I followed her and the rest of the students heading to lunch.

“Riiight,” I said on a sigh.

“So have you heard all the rumors?” She asked casually.

I brushed the bangs out of my face with a swift movement of my hand. “You know I don’t like listening to the garbage that passes as news here.”

“Well, you might want to hear the ones spreading. They involve you.”

I shrugged. “That’s nothing new.”

“They also involve Jake. Supposedly you guys did it last week.”

At her words, my feet froze and the people behind me bumped into me. They grumbled but when I sent a glare their way, they quickly shut up. Rina, oblivious to my halt, kept walking.

"Says who?" I asked. She shrugged, still oblivous to my frozen stature. I began walking again. Except I suddenly wasn't hungry. Of course I knew rumors would fly as soon as it leaked that Jake spent the night. That part wasn't the reason I was freaking out. Oh no, I was worried what the rumors were. High schooler are vicious when they get bored.

"Everybody. I mean I know he spent the night. But I'm pretty sure you guys didn't have wild sex 24 times." Rina said as she skipped over the line and walked right into the cafeteria. Again, some people complained but another glare had them shutting up quick.

"24 times," I deadpanned as I grabbed some flavored water. I dug my lunch card out of my purse as Rina grabbed her lunch: 2 slices of pepperoni pizza, cheese fries, and a soda. Stupid high metabolism! If I had what she had, I would be fat within the week. We paid for our lunches by swiping our card in a thing similar to a credit card reader. It beeped its approval and we left the cafeteria and went to the seatng part.

Don't Play The Nice Girl: Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now