Chapter 20: Bad Girl Went Even Badder

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Chapter 20:  Bad Girl Went Even Badder

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Sorry, that it's so short. It happened in the span of 4 days. But good flippin' news! 2 more chapters and this book in finished! Oh. My. God. So much is going to happen in those chapters. It will make you want to kill me and then make me come back to life just so I can write some more. God, I love you guys and can't wait to finish this and start the next book in October!! Yeahhh. Or maybe even start in September. :D 

(Not Edited)


"Zoe, baby," a voice said before they gently touched my shoulder. 

Groaning, I tugged the covers over my head and mumbled, "I'm not going to school today, either." I didn't have to open my eyes to know that my mom was looking down at me. I had no doubt that she held concern in her eyes. Wouldn't you be concerned if your daughter hasn't left her room since Saturday night, which was 4 days ago? 

"I know but I just had to ask. Are you sure you're okay?" She asked in a soothing tone.

"No, Mom, I'm not okay. I feel like I just had my heart ripped out. Why are guys such dogs?" I snarled into my pillow. 

"Boys are dogs. Men are wonderful. Don't worry honey, you'll find the right man soon." She reassured me.

I sniffled as tears threatened to fall again. "Are you leaving tonight?" I asked, hoping to get her off the subject of me.

"Actually, my plane leaves at 4. I'm gonna go to the store and then head to the airport. Your father is meeting me there." 

"I hope you guys have a good anniversary, Mom," I whispered. 

My bed dipped as my mom sat next to me. "Zoe, I love you and I say this in the best Mom way I can, but if Ryne really did break your heart, I hope his dick falls off."

Not being able to stop it, I let out a strangled laugh. "I love you too, Mom. And I also wish for his dick to fall off." 

My mom gave me a small smile before she dug in her purse. "I know you're not going to school today, again, but I expect you to at least get out of the house." She handed me her credit card. "Here, I won't be needing it. Your father always pay anyways."

"Mom, I don't need your card." I protested and gave it back to her.

"Oh but you do. I want you to go shopping today. Buy a bunch of things you don't need. Just go out and be you. Forget everything else, honey." She said lightly as she placed the card next to my pillows. "Maybe buy an outfit you'll wear to school tomorrow that will have Ryne think twice about kissing the skank." She said with a laugh.

"That was so not a Mom answer," I told her with an eye roll.

"It wasn't supposed to be." She said as she glanced at her watch. "I gotta run, honey." She kissed my forehead. "Be good. I love you."

"Love you, too. Give Daddy kisses for me." I said as she walked out of my room and closed the door. 

Sighing, I rolled over and buried myself in pillows. I let my thoughts run rampid in my mind. I didn't want to go to school. Ryne played me like a freaking fiddle. I'm surprised I didn't realize it sooner. Of course, he likes Lexii. Why would he like me when he could have the easiest girl in school? 

The thoughts finally got to be too much and with a groan, I threw all my pillows off me. I noticed something shiny land in my lap and I smiled wickedly. I picked up the plastic card and I could literally see and the gears turning in my head.

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