Chapter 8: Dance Your Little Heart Out

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

(Warning! There is a lot of Ellie Goulding songs/ references in this chapter! Only because I'm addicted to her!)

"Your arms around me come undone

Makes my heart beat like a drum

See the panic in my eyes

Kiss me only when you cry

Cause you always want what you're running from

And you know this is more than you can take"

My alarm blared the lyrics to Bittersweet. I shut it off and groaned. Ugh, Monday mornings, the bane of my existence. With another groan, I threw my covers off. I trudged out of my room and zombie walked to the bathroom. I let out a little yelp when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I was too tired last night to wash my makeup off, so it was everywhere. My eyeliner was around my eyes, making me look a raccoon. I had mascara dotting above and below my eyes. I had a greenish-yellow tint to my eyelids. And my hair, don't even get me started on that. It was just...yeah... After a quick shower, I trudged back to my room feeling and looking better. I selected tight black jeggings and a Spongebob V-neck. I tied a black thin scarf around my neck and put my Patrick earrings in. After slipping on some yellow ballet flats, I deemed myself ready.

Seeing I had 30 minutes before my ride came, I decided to play with Munkers. Munkers real name is Nicolas Landen but he is fat. So I nicknamed him Chunkers Munkers but my mom said it was rude to call him that. So I took over Chunkers and just called him Munkers. He is the cutest baby ever and he barely cries. Which, in my books, makes him even better. His gummy smile can make anybody smile.

I was in the middle of playing Peek-A-Boo with him when my phone started to play 'High For This' by Ellie Goulding(Weeknd Cover).

"Whoops, sorry Munkers. But I gotta take this," I excused myself from the giggling boy. I pressed the Accept button. "Hello?"

"Hey baby." Jake's voice said through the phone. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Jake. What's up?"

"Not much. I should be over there in 5 minutes."

"That's cool. Don't forget that I have Rina and Meli."

"Don't worry; I didn't. I kicked the guys out for you guys." He chuckled. I made a face at Munkers, who giggled delightfully.

"Well, ain't you sweet?" I purred.

"Oh, you know it." I could almost see the smirk through the phone.

"Well, um, my mom is wanting my help so I'll see you when you get here." I half-lied. I would be seeing him but my mom didn't want my help. She was too busy ka-noodling with my dad.

"Bye, babe." Damn it, I didn't hang up fast enough to miss his departing words. Sighing, I crouched down to where Munkers was playing on the floor. I pinched his cheeks, which earned me another giggle.

"You need to age faster! You stole my heart and you can't even talk!" I told him, frustrated. His response was to drool a little and giggle. I raised my head to find my parent looking at me incredulously. "What?"

My father shook his head. "She usually goes for the older boys but here she is falling in love with a boy who is 11 months old! What are we going to do, Diana?" He asked my mom.

"Gee, Terry, I just don't know. I just don't know."


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