Chapter 5: Lights! Camera! Love?

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  • Dedicated to Jessi Knowles

         If you are an old reader, please note that I have combined part 1 and 2 of this chapter into just 1 big chapter. Thanks!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

My perfect outfit consisted of black shorts that went to my waist. The shorts had big gold buttons that spelled out my name in a vertical line. Connected to the shorts were bright white suspenders. The shirt was a half shirt that barely reached past my bellybutton. The shirt was a creamy peach color and said, “Bitch to somebody who cares,” in curly handwriting. If I stretched, you could see my neon green bellybutton ring. Rina and I had gotten our bellybuttons pierced when we went through a rebellious stage a few months ago, hence the no car until now situation. Rina topped my outfit off with black flats. (They had a proper name but I all I cared was they looked cute on me.) My makeup was perfect. I had smokey eye shadow on and bright red lipstick. Rina said it would make my full lips stand out better.


“Ms. Martin!” Mr. Wilson, the head dean, said as I past him. I nodded my head at my friends, as if saying it was okay to leave. When they left, I smiled up at the 47 year old guy. He was going bald and was overweight.

“Yes, sir?” I asked, innocently. Like I didn’t know that this conversation was going to be about outfit.

“Your outfit goes against the school dress code.  You need to change immediately.”

I scoffed. “As if. You know I just saw your daughter wearing shorter shorts than me, and you want me to change? I don’t think so. Make her change first.”

Mr. Wilson’s face was a mixture between fury and shock. Every time I had talked to him in the past, it was with respect. He quickly regained his composure before speaking again “Very well. Today is your only warning.” He sternly told me before briskly walking away. The late bell rang.

“Gee, thanks for making me late, Mr. Wilson!” I hollered at his retreating back before continuing my way to class. Late.  As I was walking through the outside hallway, somebody was emerging from the left side of the North outside hallway, eyes focused on his phone. Time to shine, I thought as I grabbed my phone and pretended to text. We bumped into each other and I gracefully fell onto my butt. “Ouch,” I said, feigning hurt.

“Watch where you are…Oh, hey.” Jake turned on his charm in mid-sentence. I did a mental eye roll. “Z, right?” He asked as he offered a hand to help me up.

I grabbed his hand and let him pull me up. “The one and only.” I said with a smile.

“So, what is Ms. Goody doing out of class?” he asked as we walked together.

“Being late for BSAA (Biological Science Applications in Agriculture).”

Jake gasped overdramatically. “Z Martin is late? No! BSAA, huh?  That’s where I am headed.”

“Oh really now?”

“Yes, I do. And by the way, I love your outfit.”

I looked down at it. “Thanks, I really like this outfit. Especially if I go fishing. Its short and kind of baggy.” I looked up to see Jake’s eyes widen.

“You fish?”

“Oh, hell yeah! But I love cooking my catch the most.” We had reached the classroom and we were just standing there. Jake’s mouth was agape. I pushed it close. I smirked and walked in the class. Hook, line and sinker.

Have you ever wanted bash your head against a brick wall repeatedly because you just can’t take your surroundings anymore? Yeah, that explains how I felt throughout all of BSAA. Jake was flirting with me nonstop. And it wasn’t even the cute flirting. He used cheesy pickup lines. Each time he opened his mouth, I wanted to punch him in his face. But I didn’t. Instead, I flirted back and just died a little on the inside. But my plan was working because I got his number right before 4th hour ended.

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