Chapter 3: Let's Go Round 3?

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I have everybody’s attention, I thought with excitement. It was the last class of the day, AP English. Looking back at today’s events today didn’t go as plan. I was hoping to just gradually slide into popularity but I couldn’t pass the opportunity at lunch. It was like somebody was saying, “Here you go!” I pulled out my phone and placed my Beats into my ears, successfully draining out the teaching. It was the first day of school so every class was doing the same procedure: going over the syllabus. I wasn’t missing much. Last year, I noted, I would sitting in the front of the class with a pencil in my hand writing down every word the teacher was saying. Now, I’m sitting in the back with my feet on the desk, not even caring. Stupid adults.

I decided, even though my popularity sky rocketed, I will still start at the bottom of the list. My expectation for if I didn't start at the bottom is the same as a 3 year old hopping onto a big kid's bike and pedalling away: painful.  I glanced at my phone and noticed that it was 2:59. I gathered my stuff and was already out the door when the bell rang. Smirking to myself at the teacher’s reaction, I texted Rina and Meli saying give me 15 minutes and I will be at the car. I maneuver myself through the crowded halls to my locker. It was the first day, so all we had to do was get our parents’ signatures on some papers. I dialed in my combination and opened up my locker. I deposited my newly acquired books before closing it. I freaked out a little when I came face to face with Lexii.  Sighing, I mentally and physically prepared myself for some name calling and, possibly, some hits. Lexii is really gorgeous. Her hair is brown but has a natural red tint to it. Her face was void of makeup. She had the natural beauty that I was so jealous of. She was actually really nice my freshmen year. But, like everybody else in high school, the burning passion to be popular got to her.

“Yes…” I prompted her. She looked me over like I was a science experiment. Even though I was uncomfortable, I didn’t give her the satisfaction of showing it.

“If you think that Ryne is slightly interested in you, then you are not as smart as people say you are.” Her soft, nasally voice floated over the loud noise the students were making in the hallway. She smiled but it didn’t reach her big brown eyes. “Listen, Zoe, I get it. It’s your Junior year and you want to make a name for yourself. But remember this: The higher up you are on the Social Scale, the more targets on your-” she pointed at me “-back.”

I returned her fake smile with one of my own before swatting her hand away from face. “Thanks for caring, Lexii, but I’m a big girl. I can handle myself. And for the last time, Bertram, it’s Z.” I pushed past her and walked away without a backwards glance.  Lexii wasted the 15 minutes I saved for roping in Jake. Now, I’m going to have to wait until tomorrow.  I guess it’s a good thing that she did, I thought as I dug into my purse to find my keys, because now I get to talk to the devious Rina for a plan. Ah, found them! I grabbed my keys and ran into something. “Did I really just run into a brick wall?” I muttered to myself. I looked up and realized it wasn’t a wall, but a person. And not just any old person, but Ryne Hendricks. Great.

“Watch where you are going, Martin,” he bit out.

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. “You saw me walking with my head in my purse, why didn’t you move?” I retorted.

Not saying anything, he glared at me with his piercing eyes. I think he was trying to kill me with his eyes. Despite being more than dead in his mind, I got an excellent idea. I did my best Rina impression and smirked while batting my eyelashes.

“I have to go, Hendricks, but I thought I should let you know something.”

“What?” Confusion laced his deep baritone voice.

“You suck at kissing. I suggest you go home and practice on your pillow, seeing as you’re single.” I let off a bitchy laugh and flipped my hair over my shoulder before standing on my toes.  “Martin: 2. Hendricks: 0.” A kissed his cheek and left…without a backwards glance. Rina would be so proud.

(Sexy Ryan Guzman plays Ryne!>>>>>)

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