Chapter 17: Z, Where Have You Gone?

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Author’s Note:

So guys, I am super sorry for not updating in months. I am absolutely disgusted with myself. I’ve had countless times where I could have uploaded but chose not to. That’s unprofessional of me and I hope you guys can forgive me.  *Also, I believe there is about 3-4 chapters left of this book & then Don’t Play The Nice Girl: Senior Year will be here in August!!  



~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Hinshaw 2014©~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Zoe P.O.V.

Sunlight blared in my face as I woke up. Disorientated, I looked around. It was clear that I was in my room and bed, but I could feel another presence in the bed. Turning slightly, I saw that the person’s body was covered by my blankets. Knowing my luck, it was probably Ryne. If I wasn’t in his bed, you could guess that he was in mine. We fucking hate each other but yet still managed to sleep in each other’s bed all the time. Not being delicate, I ripped the covers off of the person. Sure enough, there lied Ryne in boxers. I watched him stir and wake.

“Good morning,” he said in a rough, sexy voice.

I smiled at him before shoving him out of my bed. “Stay out of my bed.”

Ryne fell to the ground with a thud and a groan. “You are so mean to your guests,” he replied quietly.

Ignoring him, I made my way out of my room. I had to see how much damage was done to my house. Ryne and I never made it back downstairs last night. Not because we were having sex but because we were just too tired. I guess we both passed out. I checked my phone to see what time it was: 1:34PM. As I walked down the stairs, I expected the worst. The main floor wasn’t too trashed, I guess. A lot of trash littered the floor and I think somebody stole my stereo…good thing it wasn’t my good one. Creeping over the sleeping people, I made it to the kitchen. Well, now the kitchen was completely trashed and after opening the fridge, I realized that all the food was gone.

“The damage isn’t too bad,” Ryne’s voice sounded behind me.

“Yeah, it could be worse,” I agreed as I looked around. “I just don’t want to clean this up.” I whined as I faced him.

“I guess I could help.” He offered with a smirk.

“Ha, you guess? Your ass crashed my party. There is no guessing. You are going to stay and help.” I told him as I pushed past him. “Trash bags are under the sink. I need to get these people out of my house.”

After getting the people out of my house, Ryne and I tried to tackle the living room. To make cleaning it fun, we started a race. Whoever cleaned the most, didn’t have to clean the kitchen. So, of course, I was cheating by throwing all my trash on his side. But Ryne wasn’t having that because he just kept throwing it back over.

“Zoe, stop being stupid.” He said as he chucked a pop can at me. It hit me in the chest and pop stained my tank top. Ryne busted out laughing.

“Are you kidding me right now?” I growled as I chucked a pizza slice at him. I let out a laugh as it him in the cheek.

“You just started a war.” He declared as he began throwing anything and everything at me.

Shrieking, I began throwing things at him before hiding behind a chair. We were in a full fledge after party trash fight when somebody yelled at us.

“You assholes are making this mess worse and plus you woke me up!” Rina said from the top of the steps.

I dropped the pop can I was about to throw and looked at Rina. She was wearing blue sweats and a black t-shirt. (Don’t get me started on her hair.) “Good morning beautiful,” I greeted her.

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