Chapter 21.2 Is This The End...?

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Chapter 21.2: Is This The End..?


You guys: I'm super sorry for the 2 month delay. I recently started a new job.  I sucks.


Ryne's POV:

As promised, I did everything Rina wanted. Whether it was wearing all green everything, which included dyed hair or wearing a shirt that said 'I'm a complete and utter dumbass'. I did it all. But nothing seemed to work. Zoe barely gave me a passing glance anymore. In fact the only time she acknowledged me was during practice. For the last 3 weeks, the dance team has been working our asses off to get ready for the rematch against Charlise. Little did we know that our rivalry would get so much attention. It was a normal practice day, well as normal as it could be when Zoe hated you and ignored you as much as she could. But it was the day Coach came back from her vacation and she came back with good news. Turns out the people in charge of The Golden Dancers Competition had heard that the top 2 ranked teams were battling each other and decided to give us a chance to headline the competiton. So now the main event was BRHS vs. Ridgeview Academy. Apparently having the top ranked teams of the area battle each other was good publicity. The winning team would obviously get the bragging rights but would also get a $100,000 dance studio makeover. Coach couldn't pass up that opportunity. So day in and day out, every free hour was spent practicing our 'final batte'. It took us only a week to get all the moves, transitions, visuals down but Coach felt like something was missing. So our asses kept working on it but every time it would be the same result. I'd joke that we could do our routine in our sleep...except it wouldn't be a joke. I know for a damn fact that we could do it our sleep if we had to. 

Seeing as Louis is still unable to perform (he got his boot off but the doctor still hasn't cleared him to come back), Zoe and I are the lead. I won't lie to you when I say we're good but we could be better. I feel like if we were on talking terms, we'd be 1000% better. Yeah, we have a 75% of beating Charlise the way we are right now but we need that chemistry only Zoe and I share to blow them away. With only a week until the competition, I had to get Zoe to forgive me or at least talking to me. And I had to do it on my own terms, not Rina's.


The final bell rang on Friday and I set out to find Rina. It didn't take long because she was waiting at Mark's locker. Rina and Zoe still aren't on the best terms and Rina won't admit it, but I know it's killing her. Too bad Rina and Zoe are both too damn stubborn to say sorry and forgive each other. 

Pfft. Girls.

"Rina," I said once I was close enough for her to hear me.

Rina's head shot up and confusion clouded her eyes as she searched the hallway. Her eyes landed on me and she offered me a small smile. However, the smiled didn't reach her brown eyes. "Hey," she replied.

"This little plan of yours has been in effect for 3 weeks now and still no results. I can't keep waiting." I don't have the time to keep waiting around, I added mentally.

Rina angled her body so she could she me clearly. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you have a better plan? Maybe if you didn't break her heart in the first place," she hissed.

"Rina," I said on a sigh but I didn't get to finish my sentence because Rina had more to say.

"Ryne, stop acting like you're the only one hurting. I'm losing my best friend," she whispered. It's then I noticed the small tears rolling down her face."And I don't know if I will ever get her back." She told me before she wiped her face and walked away.

Guilt pooled into my stomach like a bag of rocks. My dumb ass forgot that I'm not the only one hurting. In fact, I bet my pain is nothing compared to what Rina is feeling. Has been feeling for nearly a month now. It took me 2 seconds to realize what  I had to do. Turning on my heel, I set out to the gym for another grueling practice. Except once I got there, I didn't go straight to the locker room to change. Instead, I went up to where Coach and Zoe were talking.

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