Chapter 12: A New Beginning

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I would like to say that I'm proud of my older sister, Chelbrie. This past Friday, she graduated high school. Its gonna be hard not seeing her face in the halls. Its gonna be boring in class because I wont have her causing trouble with me. Its going to be hard not fighting with her in the morning or on the bus. She is off to college in the fall. I love you, Chelly Belly Boo Boo and I congratulate you on your success. Oh yeah, Demeisha graduated too. I will miss you too. You made life fun. I am really gonna miss you guys next year. But now its my school. I run it. :D MWAHAHAHAHA.

Okay, lets read this.

This one is for all the 2013 high school or college graduates everywhere. You guys did it.

(Picture on the side made by the talented AnaSummer7>>>>)


Zoe's POV:

What a damn week! I punched Ryne in the face, made out with him, became friends with him (???), had Louis kiss me, kissed by Ryne once again, and broke up with Jake. So, with excitement, I welcome the weekend. I need a break to unwind from all this high school drama. The competiton wasn't until 7PM tonight which meant the bus didn't leave until 6:15. The bus ride would be about 25-30 mintues long. That give us rough 15 minutes to warm up before the start of it. Last night, I had talked to Rina after Ryne left. We both decided that we would narrow down the list to the Top 10. We have roughly 10 months of school, which gives me a month and half for each player. Then I get 2 weeks of break to get ready for the next player. This year I will solely work on the Senior players and the Juniors next year. (A\/N: So yes, there will be a second book. You are welcome :D )

I was practicing my routine in front of the mirrors in my room for the millionth time when the doorbell rang. Sighing, I cut the music off. I grabbed my water bottle on the way out of my room and bounded down the stairs. I was the only one home because my parents went shopping with Rina and Meli. They knew I liked to be in absolute peace and quiet before a competition. Which, in my world, peace and quiet is blaring loud music while I dance. I opened my front door expecting to find a little girl selling cookies. But instead there stood Ryne.

"Hey?" I asked. We weren't scheduled to work on our project. In fact, we got most of it done Thursday and Mrs. Hendy was more than surprised when she graded it. I took in his appearance. He looked like he left someplace in a hurry. He had a wrinkled blue shirt on and it was half way tucked into the front of his blue jeans. His shoes were untied. But what really got me was his facial features. His eyes were shining with an unknown emotion and his mouth was set into a tight grimace.

"Hey," he whispered. He rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

"What's going on?" I asked as I leaned on the door jam.

"Look, I know you don't like me but I kinda need a place to crash for a couple of hours," he said in a rush.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I kinda got into it with-" I shook my head and covered his mouth with my hand.

"No, I meant, why me? You have friends. People who actually like you." I pointed out as I removed my hand from his mouth.

"Because you won't judge me." He said quietly.

I looked at the boy in front of me. I shook my head and moved out of the way so he could come in. "Alright," I told him as I closed the door behind us.

I finished my routine for the 30th time. "Can you play it again?" I asked Ryne as I took a drink from my 5th water bottle of the hour. Ryne was sitting on my bed with Cameo at his feet. He pressed a button on the stereo remote and the speakers filled my room with music. By 2PM, I was tired. I had practice the routine about 45 times and ran a mile on the treadmil.

Don't Play The Nice Girl: Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now