Chapter 15: Ryne and the Perfect Dress

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Chapter 15: Ryne and the Perfect Dress

I shouldn’t have said yes to him was the repeating thought in my head. I cringed as Rina placed yet another dress in my dressing room. I absolutely hate dress shopping but my ass just had to say yes to him. Sliding out of the second dress (aka the dress), I put back on my jeans and t-shirt. Just as I was smoothing out the wrinkles in my shirt, Rina popped in with another dress.

“NO MORE DRESSES!” I shrieked with despair.

We have literally been dress shopping for hours. Rina dragged me out of the school as soon as the last bell rang and ordered me to go dress shopping. I said yes…like a dumbass. I couldn’t take shopping anymore! My feet hurt from all the walking. Why in the hell does the mall need three floors and no elevators?!  Sure, it has escalators but that still requires so movement.

“What? No, you still have,” she paused to count the dresses littering my dressing room, “15 more dresses to try on!”

“No, I don’t. I have zero dresses more to try on!” I said with my feet firmly planted on the ground and my chin held high. “I’m done for the day, maybe the week, and possibly my life.” I told as I stormed out of the dressing room. Rina was hot on my heels but not once did I stop. Even when she constantly complained and whined in my ear, I didn’t stop. Nope, I didn’t care that people were giving us funny looks as we walked through the mall. I didn’t care that in the food court Rina, who is 16 years old, threw herself on the floor and demanded that I go back to try those dresses on. All I did was purse my lips, step over her before continuing on my way out of the mall. It was when I was beginning to back out of the parking space, did Rina hop into the passenger seat.

“You were seriously just going to leave me, your best friend, lying on the dirty mall floor?!” She exclaimed dramatically as she stared at me.

I shrugged before saying, “You were making a fool of yourself and I didn’t want to be a part of it.”

“Bitch,” she laughed as she buckled her seatbelt.


My eyes scanned over my team and they looked at me with terrified looks. Practice started 10 minutes ago and I spent those 10 minutes staring the life out of them. Yesterday, they worked their butts off for that ridiculous stunt they pulled. Today, I wanted them to feel how uncomfortable it was for me to have everybody’s eyes on me after my team went over my head.

“Are you guys feeling uncomfortable?” I asked in a low, toneless voice. They all nodded in response; all afraid to utter a single syllable word. “Good, now you know exactly how I felt yesterday. It was humiliating to have my team perform without my permission or Mrs. Jones’ permission.” The clock ticking in the background could be heard perfectly, that’s how quiet it was in the gym. “We have two weeks until break. We have no scheduled competitions but a lot of the schools in the area like to invite us at the last minute. They want us off our game, but we are never off our game. Basketball season starts January 13th and we perform at every JV and Varsity halftime. On January 5th, we will have varsity tryouts. Only 38 people will make it and there is no set routine. You will freestyle to a song of my choosing.” I told them as I began to pace in front of them. I honestly felt like a drill sergeant or something. “Louis and I are already on Varsity. Although after the stunt he organized, I should have him on JV.” I glared at him and he shrunk back. Smiling, I went back to looking at my team. “So, any questions?” I looked at them, daring them to speak.

“Um,” Michelle Granger said as she stepped forward.

“Yes,” I prompted. Kudos to her for not being a spine-less jellyfish.

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