Chapter 13: World War 3

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Hey, have you noticed that I changed the title?


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Chapter 13: World War 3

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~S.B. Kenny ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

To say that I was paranoid would be an understatement. For the past 2 and half weeks, I had avoided Ryne at all cost. The only time that you could find us together was when we were in 3rd hour together. But we had an unspoken agreement that 3rd hour was Switzerland; it was neutral ground.  Also during the past 2 and half weeks, I had been targeting my next victim, Josh Bayes. Josh Bayes was golfer and a track star. He was a tanned 6 foot guy with jet black hair and light blue eyes that girls swooned over. I will reluctantly admit that I swoon over those eyes. But, alas, he was a big player and flirt. His relationships never made it past 6 weeks. And out of the 6 weeks, he would be faithful to the girl for a total of 3 weeks. How do I know all of this, you ask? Well, when you are practically a nobody for 2 years, people don’t censor their conversations around you. Locker room gossip, bitches!! (Also, it helps when you have Rina on your team…yeah…) Josh Bayes might be one of the cutest players but he is also one of the stupidest ones.  So, when I heard that he needed a chemistry tutor, I hopped on that boat.

I peeked around the corner of the hallway I was currently hiding in. I scanned the faces but didn’t see Ryne’s face amongst the sea of students. It was about 15 minutes before first hour and I was waiting for Ryne to show up. I had gotten tired of waiting for Ryne to make his move, so I took over. I arrived about 20 minutes before I normally do to execute my plan. I waited for about 7 more minutes before Ryne finally sauntered down the hall. He was wearing dark blue jeans that hugged his lower body pretty well, a white t-shirt that looked like it wanted to rip because of his muscles, and his beat up chuck Taylor.

“What are you doing?” A smooth, low voice whispered into my ear. Jumping slightly, I turned to face Josh.

“Shhhh!” I hissed at him and pulled him so he could see what I was staring at. “Just watch,” I instructed as he rested his chin on my shoulder. We watched as Ryne punched in his combination and open his locker. As soon as he opened his locker, books dealing with teen pregnancy, baby toys, diapers, wipes, baby powder, and even a little toy crying baby fell out. I stifled my laughter as I watched the event before me, but I completely lost it when I caught a glimpse of his face. His mouth was gaping and his eyes were huge. Girls, who normally stop to talk to him, sped by. Ryne looked around quickly before turning in my direction. Before he could see me, I pushed Josh back and hid in his chest. I knew from the deep rumble in his chest that he was laughing too.

“You are an evil person,” he chuckled. I just laughed into his chest some more before looking back in the direction of Ryne. He was stuffing all the things into a nearby garbage can. He suddenly looked up at me. I just gave a little finger wave and smirked. And he gave me the slightest head nod…what? I turned back around to exchange a confused expression with Josh.

“Did you see that? I found that weird, because usually he would have made a big deal-“

“Run.” Josh said, interrupting me.

“Run? Why?” I asked confused, even more now than before.

“Just run, that way!” He instructed me as he pushed me away from him.

Okay, so he pushed me really hard and I about tripped! I looked back to yell at him but my eyes caught sight of a figure running towards Josh. Wait…no…it was running towards me. My brain finally registered that Ryne was charging at me. I shrieked like a little girl before running away. All of a sudden, I got a good idea. I spun on my heel and ran towards Ryne. Ryne, clearly surprised, just kept running towards me. When I was close enough, I performed the perfect slide and was up on my feet in the same move. I was now behind Ryne. I laughed when he finally realized what happened and began chasing me again. We were a sight to be seen: I was laughing like a maniac while Ryne was cursing and threatening my life. My luck finally ran out when I decided to take the stairs. I tripped on the first one and fell on the second one. And by the time I got up, Ryne was already there. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing. At least from this angle, I can see his nice ass.

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