Chapter 21.1: The Deal With The Devil

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Chapter 21.1: The Deal With The Devil

(Part 1 of 2)

Yeah, so I decided to break Chapter 21 into two parts! I hope you enjoy it. Because it's getting juicy. Ayyyye! But yeah. 

Not edited in any shape or form but do enjoy this delightful chapter. :D

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Well that was a bust, I thought as I drove to school Monday morning. I honestly didn't think that I would solve anything by showing up to her party but at least I tried. And that has to count for something right? Flying into the student parking lot, I threw my truck  in to park and hopped out before slamming the door shut. I had barely got through the school doors when someone yelled my name. Looking up, I saw who it was and instantly looked for a way out. Rina was making a beeline towards me and the way she was walking told me that our encounter wasn't going to be anything remotely good. Mentally preparing myself, I took a deep breath.

"Let's take a walk," she said as she flipped her sunglasses on and passed me to go out the doors I had just came through. 

Sighing, I followed her. I mean, I wasn't in a rush to class. Especially since 1st hour was shared with Zoe. We didn't walk too far; just to the side of the building. I'm pretty sure if she started hitting me, nobody would hear or see me.

"You are a lowlife asshole," she hissed as she leaned against the school. Her eyes didn't meet mine just yet. I knew I deserved everything she was going to give me so I might as well take it. "How could you just play her like that?" She continued as she dropped her purse, took off her sunglasses, and looked at me. If looks could kill... "You just had to string her along, huh?" She bit out.

"Whoa! I didn't play her at all. I wasn't stringing her along. Why the hell would I do that?" I asked with just as much fury as she had. How could she stand there and think that I could do that?! "Believe it or not, I actually care for Zoe."

Rina pushed off the wall and gave off a dry laugh. "Oh, that's fucking hilarious."

"Rina, just listen to me," I tried to reason with her.

"No, you listen to me, Ryne. Zoe might look strong and act like nothing happened but for 5 straight days, she wouldn't even leave her room. Do you know what it's like to see your best friend so broken and hurt?" Her voice wavered and I thought she was going to start crying but she took a deep breath and continued. "It's the worst possible thing I could ever see. And you caused it."

"Rina," I said but she just scoffed and picked her purse up before she looked at me again.

"Just leave her alone, Ryne." She said as she walked past me, her shoulder ramming into mine. She walked a few steps before she said,"You blew your chance. She really did like you." She let her words hang a while before she walked around the building.

Her words were like a knife in my back as I stood there and thought about what she said. The bell rang but I didn't even try to move. I couldn't move. Did I really hurt Zoe that bad? Of course I did, I thought to myself. I'm such a dumbass! I thought as I punched the brick wall. Pain surged through my body but I didn't even care. I looked down at my knuckles and wasn't surprised to see them all scuffed up and bleeding. Rina's words kept circling in my mind as I looked down at my injured hand.

"'She really did like you.'" I kept repeating. Then it hit me. Rina put emphasis on the word 'really' and not 'like'! "Oh my god," I said once it processed even more. I felt insanely happy and ran into the building. I ran into the science hall until I found Louis's class. Bursting into his class, all eyes were on me.

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