Chapter 1: It's Z.

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

"Zoe LeAnn Martin, if you don't get up right now, I will take away your shoes!" My mother's loud voice went right through my door; it wasn't even muffled. I tossed the blankets off me and sat up. I checked my iPhone and saw that I had 3 new text messages. It was only 7:25.

"Get your lazy butt up!" My mom was now pounding on the door.

"Oh my God, I AM UP!" I mumbled the first half and yelled the second half. I heard my mom sigh and scurry off downstairs, probably going to make us some breakfast.

I got out of my warm bed and ignored another received text. I stretched and made my way to the bathroom. Living in a house with 3 other females(not including my mom) wasn't the easiest thing to do. I tried to persuade my parents into letting us have our bathroom instead of sharing one but no such luck.

Melinda, or Meli, is 15. She is 2 years younger than me which makes her the youngest. Sabrina Marcs isn't really my sister. She is actually my best friend. She was having some family problems so when we moved to a different town, she came along too. Living with Rina is the best thing ever. We never fight over ANYTHING and we can insult each other with a smile on our faces. Although she is a year and grade below me, we are inseparable.

Seeing as nobody was in the bathroom, I could take my time. I took a shower long enough to scrub everywhere and give my hair a quick rinse so like 30 minutes. Wrapping a towel around myself, I headed to my room. We each had our own room. After putting on some dark blue skinnys, a skimpy blouse, and some wedges, I sat at my makeup vanity. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. As I exhaled, I opened my eyes. Pretty hazel eyes stared back at me in the mirror.

"You are beautiful. On the inside and the outside. Don't let anybody bring you down today, tomorrow, or any day. You are beautiful." I recited this every morning. I did this because I found the need to step back and admire myself for what I am; a strong, independent, beautiful girl. I applied a little eyeliner and my signature eyeshadow: light green with gold in the corner. When I deemed myself ready, I grabbed my phone and purse and made my way downstairs.

"Mommy, pleeeeeeeeassssse can I drive my car to school this year?" I begged my mom. My mom was 42 and runs a daycare out of our basement. She is 5'5 with black hair dusted with gray. She has her days when she is the best mom and then her bad days where you just want to stay away from her. Today was one of her good days because she was handing me my keys.

"Thank you! Rina! Meli! Let's go. No bus rides for us this year!" I hollered to the direction of the stairs leading to upper level. Rina came down first and she stood at the bottom of the stairs. A sly smile was painted on her face. She was a part of my plan. I took in her outfit: bright pink converses, black shots with gold belt, and a black shirt that had 'Rina' in pink glitter. I nodded in approval and she made her way to the kitchen. Meli was next. She was wearing yellow flip flops, gray capris, and a yellow shirt that had a lemon on it saying "Pucker up!" We said our goodbyes and headed to my 2006 Ford Tempo. I know its dated but I bought it myself. So it means a lot to me.

I was sitting in the back of my 1st hour class, creative writing, enjoying the looks I had received when I walked into the school. Many people thought I was new. I didn't correct them, either. The guys were hitting on me but I just smiled and flipped my hair before walking off. I didn't even talk until attendance. A new teacher had walked in and she looked at least 28. Fairly young for this school. She introduced herself as Mrs. Regan before taking attendance.

"Zoe Martin?" I watched as the students looked to the front of the class, where I would have normally sat. Smirking to myself, I cleared my throat.

"Here." I said, raising my hand. Everybody turned to look at me; confusion clear on their faces. Yeah, I thought, Ms. Goody grew up. "And it's Z."

(Picture of Rina>>>>>>)

Don't Play The Nice Girl: Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now