Chapter 2: Callin' All Players!

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

"So how is it going?" Rina asked me as we sat next to each other in 3rd hour Honors Biology 3.

"Great." I said with a beaming smile. "Guys are literally lining up at my locker. Asher Weston walked me to class."

Rina raised one perfect eyebrow at me. "Weston?" She questioned. I nodded and mouthed, "Number 7." I pulled out our list.

To fully get the most out of Operation Break Them, we made a list of the top 22 players of the school. How the guys got their rankings was how many girls they have dated, how long their "relationships" were, and so forth. Yes, we put a lot of work into this because we want to put the guys in their places.

"I want to start low and work my way up. To perfect my skills and assess their techniques." I pointed to Jake Wise, #22. The warning bell rang so I shoved the paper back into my purse. Mrs. Hendy walked in. She was only 33 years old and had 3 kids, with a fourth on the way. My eyes traveled to her baby bump. Wasn't one enough?! I thought as Mrs. Hendy picked up a paper from her desk.

"I have already assigned you seats." Her voice was light and airy.

Great, I thought as I looked at a very disappointed Rina. Mrs. Hendy began to point at tables and call out names. "...Sabrina Marcs and Joe Lyron at Table 4." 

Rina made a disgusted noise from the back of her throat. I didn't blame her because Joe smelled like a dying dog 3 days past its prime. I caught Rina's attention and mimicked dying because of bad odor. She flipped me off. "Zoe Martin and Ryne Hendricks at Table 6." I silently cheered because Table 4 and 6 were by each other. But then my excitment died when I realized who I was sitting by. Ryne Hendricks aka Mr. Player #1.

I gathered my stuff and walked over to Table 6. He was currently sitting in the aisle seat, closer to Rina. Swallowing my shyness, I spoke. "Hey, um, I want to sit there."

Ryne looked at me and I found myself staring into piercing gray eyes. "Too bad." He bit out before turning foward. I looked over at Rina in disbelief. She nodded and her eyes held a silent message: 'Do it.' 

I turned back to Ryne. I placed my index finger under his chin and forced him to look at me. "Look, Hendricks, I want this seat. I want to sit by my best friend. Seeing as you have no friends in this class...wait. How the hell did you even get into this class? Its an HONORS class. Not a regular one. So, if you don't mind..." I said pushing his stuff to the other side of the table. When he still did nothing, I decided to push my luck even more. "Fine." I huffed and sat on his lap. "Oh yeah, Mrs. Hendy," I called out to the teacher, along with everybody else, was already looking in my direction. "It's Z." I looked up at Ryne. "You comfy?" I asked, smirking.

"No." He pushed me off his lap and onto the the floor. I looked up at him; my disbelief matched his amusement. "Now I am." Staring at him, I made my eyes water and I buried my head into my hands to "cry".

I heard the teacher make her way to me but the sound I was listening for was the scraping of a chair moving.

"Are you OK, Ms. Martin?"

I felt another person beside me. "Look, Zoe. I didn't mean to hurt you." His voice was full of concern. Mr. Player has a soft spot for crying? Good to know.

I stood up with a huge smile on my face. The smile grew bigger when I slid into the aisle seat. I smiled sweetly at a very confused/pissed off Ryne. "Thanks for the seat, Hendricks." My smile turned into a straight line. "And it's Z." I turned my attention to a smiling Mrs. Hendy. "Mrs. Hendy, I suggest you begin teaching--slowly," I glanced at Ryne, who was now sitting in the seat beside me, "because we have Regs in here."


I scanned the cafeteria and ignored my old table by the stage. I found my new table right in the middle of the room. At BroadRidge(BR), there was 2 lunch periods: Sophomores and Freshmen had lunch for the first half and studyhall for the second half. Seniors and Juniors had studyhall for the first half and lunch for the second half. Lunch was 50 minutes while studyhall was 30. The lower classmen had an extra 20 minutes of studyhall. BR had an open campus lunch but only for Upperclassmen. But the food was decent here, so rarely anybody left campus.

Seeing as the middle table was always the Popular table, this could cause a little trouble. You can't just skip from the bottom of the social ladder to the top over the summer. But I planned on doing just that. We (Rina was skipping studyhall) shoved all their stuff onto the floor and replaced it with ours.

"Um, excuse me?" A nasal voice said. I turned to find Ms. Popularity and her clones staring at me.

"Yesss?" I dragged the 'S' out as if I was annoyed.

"That's our table but since you are new here, I will cut you some slack."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, aren't you sweet? But, Lexii, this is my 3rd year here." Hatred shined brightly in her big brown eyes at what I said next: "This is my table now." I could feel eyes starting to turn to watch this exchange between a Junior and a Senior. Good, because I need an audience for this.

"This is my table. I earned my place here. You just can't waltz in here and take it!" She screamed in a shrill voice. Dramatic much?

I examined my nails like they were the most important thing in the world. "Oh but I can. And I did." I looked behind as boys stopped behind her. It was Ryne and his 2 best friends: Daniel Gran (#3) and Justin Vine (#2). "You..." I pointed at Daniel.

"Yes, sexy?" His voice was low and rough. In other words, sexy as hell.

"Would you and Justin mind helping me up on this table. I have a little announcement to make." Eager to comply, they helped me up. But not without 'accidently' touching my butt. Pretending I didn't notice, I just smiled. "ATTENTION EVERYBODY! I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!" I yelled getting everybody's attention. "Yeah, hi! My name is Z Martin and this table right here, yeah its mine." I looked at Lexii and smiled. "Sorry, dear." She was fuming mad.

I got off the table as people watched me intensely to see what my next move was. I walked up to Ryne. "Is Lexii your girlfriend?" I asked sweetly. His eyes were hooded as he nodded. I smiled deviously and wrapped my arms around his neck. Since he was at least 6'2, I had to stand on my toes. I firmly placed my lips on his. He instantly reacted and pulled my closer. I heard a shrill scream in the distant. When Ryne gave off a small moan, I pulled away. Without making eye contact, I walked away. I dodge a slap from Lexii and sat down at MY table. I looked a Lexii, who was being restrained by 2 very amused people: Daniel and Justin. My eyes scanned the lunch room and saw the students' ( and a few teachers') faces: mouths hanging slightly open and eyes bulging a little. Rina just smiled and nodded for me to continue. This message was for everybody but my eyes connected with gray ones. "Oh yeah, I'm single."

(picture of Meli>>>>>)

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