Chapter 14: (Un-named)

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Chapter 14

"This is for everybody who felt invisible, lonely in a crowded room. Searching for somebody like you" Nelly Frutado.

Dedications OnceUponAKiss, XxsmileyfacexX


Looking back on the past few months, I would have to say I did a good job achieving my goal of breaking some hearts. I 'dated' and dumped Josh and Micheal Langsin. Unfortunately, rumors had flown in the last 4 months. Apparently I was a hooker at night and that's why I got so many guys. That's what is so fucked up about this society we live in. A guy can sleep around and get praised for it. But have a girl do it, (or in my case, date around) we get called all sort of names. Well you know what society, fuck you. (A/N: I had to do a little rant but that's the hard truth.)

Today was the 12th of December, which meant three things: the semester was almost over, Winter Formal, and the most important thing, my 2 week cooling period. December is a big month for BRHS because of the Winter Formal. Since we have that big party the night following the homecoming game, we don't have a homecoming dance. And by law the school is supposed to provide 2 dances for the students. So, boom, we have Winter Formal and Prom. The theme for Winter Formal always has something to do with ice, snow, and wintery things. This year's theme? Winter Iceland. Dumb right? Yeah, I thought so too. The dance is 2 weeks from today and the school has had posters, signs, and announcements since after Thanksgiving break. So about a month the school has been advertising it. And I, for one, am sick of it. Every girl is talking about who asked who and who is wearing what. Even my little Rina got a date. His name is Brad Horan. Horan is one of Ryne's good friends. So, I was tedious of their relationship when it began a few months ago. I was certain it was a joke and if it was, then I would have both Ryne and Brad's heads on a plaque above my head. You just don't mess with my family. But Brad seemed to treat Rina right and Rina seemed to be completely smitten by him so my guard was down...a little.

I didn't have a date and I was ecstatic that I didn't have one. I didn't have to worry about anybody but me on that night. Some girls and a few guys of the dance team just thought we would all semi-match and go as a group, and I thought that it was a good idea.

I found myself sitting down at my lunch table and was joined shortly by Louis, Rina and Brad. Brad is a weird kid but a cutie. He was a dirty blonde, blue eyed boy. His obscene humor is what really got Rina swooning. They always seemed to have those really crude borderline racist jokes. I guess being a guy that could stand his own against Rina and I was another plus in Rina's book. I really hope that this is some joke that Brad and Ryne have to get back at me. Its one thing to go at me but don't fuck with my family. I can't say that enough. Just don't mess with them.

"Hey, Zoe," Louis said, breaking me out of the daze I was currently in. Turning to face him, I saw him shove a handful of fries into his mouth and chew loudly.

Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I said, "Gross, what?"

Louis knew, without a doubt, that he was grossing me out. So that smug little guy continued the gross-fest. He stuck his tongue out and I saw his poorly eaten fries. "Can I ask you something?" He asked me with his mouthful.

"You wanna finish chewing first?" I asked as I took a sip of water. I may have asked but I was demanding him to finish chewing.

Smiling, he finished chewing with his mouth closed. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbled when he swallowed his food. "Do you know if Melinda has a date to Winter Formal?"

Shrugging as I unwrapped the turkey sub, I shook my head no. "I don't think she does. She isn't going to it because nobody asked her. I told she could go with me and the team but she said no." I answered before taking a huge bite. Then his question hit me. Choking a little, I dropped the rest of my sub on the table. Turning slowly, I faced him with a slightly red face from coughing so much.

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