Chapter 22: And Then They Lived Happily Ever After...

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Chapter 22: And Then They Lived Happily Ever After. 


And just like, nearly 3 years in the making, I finish my first book. God, you guys, I'm crying. This book survived 3 relationships, a falling out with my best friend, 2  moves, lost friendships, new friendship, new jobs, graduating high school..everything. This is my life. And it has 20,000 reads. One day, I'll see this on the bookshelves and on E-readers! I thank you to the people that kept me going through the good times and the bad times. You guys are amazing. This is for you. 


Zoe's POV:

 I woke up and I coudn't help but smile like an insane person. Everything in my life was just swell. Yeah, swell. I felt like that was the only word that could perfectly describe how my life was. What other world could describe Ryne and I, not only getting together, but finally admitting our love for one another? Could any other word perfectly depict the scenario where not only did we beat Charlise and her team but won a $100,000 studio makeover? Plus, what word could also stand for us only having 2 weeks until summer vacation? Great, fantastic, amazing? Nah, none of those adjectives came close. Sighing dreamily, I thought of Ryne. AKA my boyfriend. It's still a weird feeling to call him that, especially after everything we have been through.

My phone ringing brought me out of the dream-like state I was in. Rolling to my side, I snatched my phone off the bedside table. My face instantly lit up when I read the caller ID. I slide the 'Answer' button to the right and put it to my ear.

"Good morning, girlfriend," he cooed into the phone before I could say anything.

Giggling a little, I rolled onto my back and said, "What do you want Hendricks?"

Ryne's deep chuckle filled my left ear. "Um, no. Seeing as we are a couple now, you can't pull that shit anymore."

I puckered my lips and pouted even though he couldn't see me. "We haven't even been dating for 24 hours yet and you're already trying to change me."

"No, baby, it's not like that." He paused for a second before saying, "No, wait, it IS like that."

For the first time since the whole Devan disaster, my stomach didn't turn and threaten to empty itself at the pet name. Instead, it felt like butterflies were dancing in my belly. Laughing, I replied, "You and I both know that I can't change my bitchy ways."

Ryne sighed and I could picture him in his room. He'd be laid out on his bed, his hair all messed up from sleep. No doubt he'd be only wearing boxers. Boxers that were riding very low on his hips, so low that you could probably see his-

"Zoe?" Ryne's concerned voice burst into my very inappropriate daydream. 

Knowing that he couldn't see me didn't prevent the heat from rising to my cheeks. "Um, what?" I answered as I wiped the drool from my chin.

"I said that's the truth and I wouldn't want to change you anyways. Then you got quiet for like 3 minutes." He explained.

"Sorry, I was, thinking."

"Of...?" He prompted.

"Nothing!" I said, a little too quickly.

"Uh huh," he commented but didn't question me further on the topic. "So what are our plans for tonight?" He asked causally.

"We have plans?" Was my genius response.

Ryne laughed and it brought a smile to my face. "Not we as in you and I, although that would be a pretty nice time. Wink, wink. But the 'we' I was referring to was the dance team. What are we doing to celebrate that giant victory?" 

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