**FULL** Chapter 19: Emotional Rollercoaster

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Chapter 19: Emotional Rollercoaster

So, like there's at least 3 chapters left. Maybe 4. I don't know yet. Depends on how well I can write these chapters. Enjoy.

Not edited in any shape or form!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 19: Emotional Rollercoaster~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

A knock sounding at my door had me abandoning my homework long enough to yell, "The door's open!" Shortly after yelling, my door opened and in stepped my mom. 

"Whaatt?" I whined, even though I knew the exact reason why she was in my room.

"Honey, I know you are getting tired of me saying this but you're running out of time to buy your prom dress. For God's sake, prom is a week from today!" She exclaimed as she sat at the edge of my bed.

"What's your point?" I huffed.

"My point is what color are you supposed to tell Kane to wear if you don't even know what color you're wearing? That poor boy has to be going crazy trying to match your invisible dress." She tsked.

"Mom," I said as I put down my pencil and pushed my homework the edge of my bed. "I'm pretty sure Kane isn't going crazy trying to decide what color I'm going to wear. Trust me. And besides, I told him to wear black and worry about the tie later."

My mom looked at me like I just confessed to committing a murder. "Black? Are you serious?"

"Yes, mom, I am. And you wanna know why I am so serious? Because I want this prom to be simple. I don't wanna spend a fortune on a night that I'm not going to remember!" I shrieked quietly.

"Why aren't you going to remember it? You're not going to be drinking, are you!?" She exclaimed. "Zoe LeAnn Martin, I swear to God that if you are drunk next Saturday..."

"Oh my God, Mom, chill. I'm not going to drink" as far as you know "but I just don't think that this prom is going to be all that memorable, okay?" Especially since I'm dumping my date not even 20 minutes after post prom.

"It will be. Don't worry. You will have an amazing time. " She said as she gave my knee a pat before she stood up. "Now, will you at least go to the mall and see if you can find a good dress to wear."

Sighing, I realized there was no possible way I could get out of this. "Sure, Mom, whatever."

"Great. Could you also take Sabrina and Melinda? They need to buy some accessories. Okay? Bye, honey." She said before leaving my room and shutting my door.

Groaning, I flopped onto my back and pushed my homework off my bed. "I fucking hate dress shopping," I moaned to nobody but Cameo growled in response. 


"Maybe you should get a light blue dress, Zoe," Meli said as she browsed through some dresses and picked one out before putting it back. 

I took a drink from my smoothie and pushed my sunglasses farther back on my head. "Why?" I groaned. Don't get me wrong. I love shopping with my siblings. I just don't like being forced to go dress shopping with my sister who really don't know what I like.

"It would match Ryne's eyes," she said nonchalantly. 

Rolling my eyes, I went to where she was standing and looked at the dress. I felt the material as I studied the dress. "Yeah, I guess it would match his eyes." I said as I put the dress back on the rack. "Too bad I'm not worried about if my dress will match Ryne's eyes since he isn't my date to prom." I gave her a small smile. "Nice try." I said as I took another sip from my smoothie and looked at some other dresses.

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