Chapter 11: Through His Eyes

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Okay, I am extremely sorry for the long wait! Thats why I hope this upload makes all you guys happy. If not, I hope the one on June 2 makes you feel better <3>

Please don't hate me. School is out. Well, practically. Then its summer. And I got a summer job but I'm only working in the morning and 5 days a week! I will make you guys proud.

A look into what Ryne sees



Ryne's P.O.V:

I watched as she disappeared down the hall. What the hell just happened? Did I really just kiss Zoe Martin?

Yes, you did. My inner voice replied in a teasing matter. I left the janitor's closet to head to my history class. As I closed the door, I realized I will never be able to look at this closet the same ever again! I only wanted to sort things out with Zoe, or 'Z' as she wanted to be called. (Dumb right?) My intentions were pure, I swear. I just wanted to talk to her wihtout an audience. Because everytime we have an audience, things tend to get vicious and violent. I absentmindly felt the bruise on my lower jaw as I climbed the stairs to the third floor. That little girl can pack heat, I thought with a smirk. I reached the third floor and made my way to the west side. I didn't bother knocking on the door to my AP US History class once I reached it. I just walked if I didn't care that I was over 20 minutes late.

"Mr. Hendricks, do you have a pass?" Mr. Richards asked me once I walked in.

I voided my face of all emotions before I turned to face the 7 foot teacher. "Nah," I said to him.

He just shook his head and replied, "I will look the other way this time..." He turned back towards the powerpoint.

"Where were you?" Jamie Falcon asked me in a hushed tone.

"Tying up some loose ends," I said as I settled into my seat.

"Damn, Hendricks, in school?" He asked with a smirk. I knew exactly what he was thinking but I didn't rush to correct him. I only returned his smirk with a smirk of my own. "Details," he begged. Okay, Jamie is a good friend but he is like a girl when it comes to juicy information: he HAS to tell somebody.

"Dude, do I ever tell you about my escapades?" I whispered to him. Jamie groaned really loud which caused Mr. Richards to give him a stern look.

"Sorry," he muttered. I chuckled lowly as Richards went back to teaching. I let out a loud laugh when Jamie punched me in the arm. But besides that Jamie left me alone for the remaining time in 6th hour. Which gave me the time to mull over what had happend in the janitor's closet...

As the last bell rang, I gathered my stuff and left my English class at a leisure pace. See, I don't really mind school; I am actually pretty smart. I just act like I don't pay attention but I do. I turn in my homework and even do extra credit. Okay, yes, it's true that I should be graduating this year but I'm not. And no, it's not because I failed a grade. When I moved here my sophomore year, my transcripts got lost somehow and the school's brilliant idea was to put me in freshman classes. I'm still in the advanced CORE classes (Math, Science and English) and History. I just like to keep my reputation of "the bad boy who doesn't give 2 shits about school".

I reached my locker and almost let out a groan. Lexii was standing there, pouting. God damn, this girl ain't even my girlfriend. She is just a causal lay. Ryne Hendricks doesn't do 'long term' relationships.

Don't Play The Nice Girl: Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now