Chapter 7: Don't Close Your Eyes.

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Chapter 7: Don't Close Your Eyes

"Baby, wake up." A voice in the distance said. Ignoring it, I snuggled deeper in to my blankets. Warm, soft lips brushed across my neck. Sighing, I angled my neck so the person had better access. The person ran their hands down my body before pulling me close. "Zoe, baby." The voice, somewhat familiar, cooed in my ear before gently nibbling on my earlobe. My eyes slowly opened to see blue eyes with specs of gray. With a grunt, I shove Devan off my bed.

"Why the hell are you here, Devan?! I'm pretty sure I made it damn clear that I never wanted to see, speak, or hear from you again!" Devan looked at me from my floor, his face unreadable.

"But, Zoe, you can NEVER GET RID OF ME!!" Halfway through his sentence, Devan's face changed into a black hole. My room began to get sucked towards him. My books, my clothes, my everything. Nothing was safe from Devan.

"No!" I shouted, frightened. "You already took everything I had once. You are not doing it again!"

"You will always be mine!" Devan's voice sound demonic. Tears began to fall relentlessly. Wind began to pick up; furiously thrashing my items and belongings around. "You cannot escape me, Zoe! I love you and you love me!"

I grabbed my hair in my fists and began shaking me head. "No,no, no, no, NO! I don't love you. You betrayed me."


"No!" I was shaking uncontrollably. The sobs were ransacking my body. I was left succorless to the attack of  tears and pain as I felt myself being sucked towards the monster.

"You can never escape me!" He yelled as I was less than 6 inches away from him.

"No, I hate you! I fucking hate you!" I yelled and thrashed my arms, hoping to grab something to anchor me.

"Zoe! Wake up!" My eyes snapped open to find Rina, Meli, and my parents all gathered around my bed. I searched my room with wide eyes. There was no sight of Devan. I let out an unsteady breath when I realized it was a nightmare.  My shorts and camisole were drenched with sweat and my blankets were thrown on the ground.

"Honey, are you okay?" My mother's soft voice overpowered the sound of my beating heart. She was rubbing small circles on my back to console me.

"It was a nightmare?" I asked, quietly in disbelief. My father, who was on the other side of me, nodded.

"What was it about?" Meli's sweet voice was laced with concern. I looked up and 4 set of eyes, filled with concern, bored into mine. I was about to answer the question when my stomach decided it needed to be emptied. I pushed past them and ran out of my room on shaky legs. My legs gave out right as I made it to the toilet. I threw up profusely as Rina held my hair back and my family watched with concern and confusion in the doorway.


I slowly made my way downstairs at 4 in the morning. 30 minutes had past since I had woken my family up by my screaming. They were all gathered around the island talking quietly when I entered the kitchen. They stopped talking as they watched me. My legs were still weak, so I had to support myself by grabbing the counters as I made my way to get a drink. The icy water was relief to my sore and damaged throat. My mom cleared her throat. I slowly faced them; all of their faces were the same: they were worried.

"It was about him, the nightmare, wasn't it?" She knowingly asked.

I nodded...


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