Chapter 18: Revenge Is Sweeter When You Dance

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Chapter 18-Revenge Is Sweeter When You Dance

~*~*~*~*~*~*~S.B. Kenny ©~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


“No, I don’t want him on the team,” I whined in a hushed tone. The day had passed by slowly and to my dismay, Ryne was in 3 of my classes. He did everything in his power to annoy the living crap out of me. I thought I would be able to escape him during dance practice but nooo. I forgot that I had let him join the team. And that’s how I found myself trying to convince Coach to pull him off the team but she wasn’t having it.

“Zoe, I’m sorry but he hasn’t done anything for me to pull him off.” I groaned at her words but she continued, “Now, if the team decided to vote him off, then I would sign off on it. I honestly don’t think that they will because we need him on the team. You need him on the team. Sorry,” she apologized once again. She looked all apologetic but I was too pissed to care.

“Thanks,” I muttered as I stormed out of her room. “For nothing.” Gathering my wits, I stormed my way to the gym. The New Year meant 2 things for dance: Varsity tryouts and competition season was upon us. Basketball season was the least of our worries, I thought as I threw open the gym doors. All the conversations ceased as I marched to the middle of the floor. My eyes scanned over the dancers and I couldn’t help but notice how all the single girls flocked around Ryne. And that son of a bitch enjoyed every little second of the attention. “Line up,” I growled.

We may have been out of school for nearly 2 weeks but still knew who was in charge. I almost smirked at how the scampered to get in line on the middle line. Except Ryne, who sauntered over to an open spot.  Ryne’s little cocky attitude had the sneer on my face stay put.

“Welcome back. It’s January 5th and you know what that means?” I asked.

“Varsity tryouts,” somebody answered.

“Correct, so while you guys are learning the new routine, Coach will be taking you out one by one to tryout.” I told them before we started learning our new routine. Of course, I was guaranteed a varsity spot but I still had to tryout and I was one of the last people to do so. 


“Okay,” I said as I walked back into the gym. “We’ll run through the routine a few more times before we call it quits.”

The routine we were learning was a Latino dance so it involved a lot of hip movement and partner work. Annnd of course, my partner was Hendricks. Another thing about this routine was I didn’t make it up. Coach brought in somebody to teach it. The instructor was at least 40 and still looked beautiful. She had a thick Spanish accent and at times, it was hard to understand her. But instead of explaining the move, she would actually perform it, so it wasn’t that bad.

“Okay,” she began as I stood next to Ryne, “boys take your right hand and place it on the women’s waist. I watched as everybody did what she said to…except Ryne and me. “Come on,” she pointed at Ryne and me, “even you two pájaros del amor.”

Confused at what she said, I sighed and spun around so my back was to Ryne. Slowly, Ryne placed his hand on my waist and I ignored the feelings it awakened.

“Bueno, ahora, (good, now)” she began to instruct what exactly what we were supposed to do.

“You’re so lucky I can’t kick you off my team,” I told him as he spun me.

“Does it bother you that I’m on your precious team? I didn’t know,” he smirked as he pulled me to his chest.

“I hope you break your leg,” I hissed as I stomped down on his foot. My smile grew as he winced in pain. “Whoops, I’m so clumsy.” I whispered as I slid away from him and danced.

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