Chapter 1 History

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Today is my Swayamvar. I am very excited. Okay fine, a little nervous. I hope Arjun wins. Draupadi said in an excited but nervous tone to her Best friend Naynatara.


Wait a moment. Why Draupadi is having a swayamvara again ? Does this mean Mahabharata is repeating itself? Yes!!! So let's see from where it all started...

When Parikshit was suffering from the curse and counting the last days of his life in the company of saints, the Lord of all the gods, Mahdev himself came to offer him a boon. He said "Parikshit, you have been partial, fair and generous just like my Aradhya Lord Rama. Even in your last days you are in the company of saints and living peacefully. I grant you anything you wish for."

Parikshit asked, "Anything my lord?" There was a slight smile on his face which may make anyone feel that maybe he will ask Mahadeva to revoke his curse.

Mahadeva replied, "Anything my child. I promise."

"OK then," Parikshit said "I want you to make the Dwapar Yug happen again.

Mahadeva was a little stunned. He asked, "Why Parikshit? Do you want your family members to bear that pain again?"

Parikshit replied, "Nothing is hidden from you Mahadeva. I know you know my reason but still I will tell it from my own mouth. When Dwapar yug occured no one was truly happy. Radha was left without her love. Bhishm Pitamah couldn't marry. When Pitamah Sahadev taught me how to read minds, I tried to read Pitamahi Draupadi's mind and found that she loved Pitamah Karna and Pitamah Karna too loved her. So Pitamahi Draupadi was also unhappy. I want their and everyone other's love to be united. I want that the love of this yug be remembered so much that it will be called the Prem Yug. Please fulfill my this wish."

As Mahadeva had promised him he couldn't deny it. So he said, "Tathastu." and vanished in thin air.

So after Parikshit's death, Dwapar yug started again. Karna was born but he didn't face much embarrassment as he won the Anga desh kingdom when the King of Anga desh announced a competition for the future successor of Anga as he didn't have any heir. Draupadi and Dhrishtidyuma were born but not on the purpose of taking revenge from Drona instead because Drupad didn't have any heir.  The Pandavas were born. Duryodhan was not cruel with them as Mata Gandhari made sure he was generous all the time. Dussasan was only cruel and didn't like the Pandavas as Shakuni was able to brainwash Dussasan. So life was almost the same for Pandavas. But what about Bhishm Pitamah?

His love story is the most unique one. He did take his harsh vow but with a change. His vow was to not marry until he finds a girl of his age and as intelligent as Shukracharya and as strong and knower of warrior skills as Parshuram. And at that time you know girls were not allowed to learn warrior skills and all the Vedas so it was as equal as being celibate. When Bhishm Pitamah went to take the three Kashi Kanyas for Chitrangad, he saw Amba and immediately fell in love with her. Amba too forgot her love for King Salva when she saw Bhishm. But when she came to know that he his not participating in her swayamvar and instead is taking them for his brother, she was enraged.

She didn't directly tell Bhishm that she loved him but instead she told him that she wants to go to Salva and not marry Chitrangad. Bhishm gave her the permission but Salva too rejected her. When she went back to Bhishm, he also denied her thinking that people may question about his vow as he didn't knew Amba was as talented as Bhishm. But this time Amba didn't go place to place seeking revenge. Instead she went to the forest to live her life peacefully away from the taunts of people. The reason ??

Before she left Hastinapur, Bhishm gave her a note which read : " Amba, I confess to you that I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. Please wait for me. I will come one day to take you and then we will run away. I don't care about my vow. Please wait for me."

Now let's come back to the present.


Two weeks before the actual Swayamvar messengers were dispatched to all the kingdoms to invite them for the grand Swayamvara of Panchaali in which the competitor had to shoot an arrow in the eye of a fish by the heaviest bow, the Kindhara by just looing at the reflection of the fish in the water. The Pandavas were also going to come but Dussasan sent them to the lac house of Varnavrat even after the thousand warnings from Duryodhan. Dusasan also made sure that no one comes to know that the Pandavas and Mata Kunti had died. Instead everyone thought they are alive and wel in Varnavrat. Thus was the power of Dusasan. Well in reality Pandavas were well and fine living in a forest. The other Pandavs forced Arjuna to take part in the Swayamvara but Arjuna gently replied, "Karna is a better archer than me. He will surely win." Arjun's heart was already taken by the chirpy Subhadra, sister of Krishna. He did not wished to marry someone else. 

Today was Draupadi's swayamvara. She was admiring herself in the mirror adding a jewelry here and removing the other. She was thinking about the suitors of the Swayamavara and as Krishna had spoken so much about the valor of Arjuna that her mind said that Arjuna will only win. But her heart had something else. It just said that the austere-faced king of Anga will win. Even in the portrait his eyes attracted her. Wonder if it attracted her in real life.

Precap: "This person can't marry my daughter." said Drupad in an enraged tone.

Hope you guys like this chapter. Please send feedbacks and suggestions for the story.

The Karna loves Draupadi part I have taken from the book Palace of Illusions. For those who have not read that book it is only the whole Mahbharata from Draupadi's point of view. In that book Draupadi and Karna loved each other but never confessed to each other.

I apologise for any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.


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