Chapter 11 Indraprastha

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"No, he can't be accepted ." Dusasan shouted.
Karna sighed as Dusasan interrupted for the third time while Pitamah Bhishm tried to bring the matter under control.
It was the scene of hall of the palace of Hastinapur. Kunti had told the truth to everyone. Dhritrashtra was not able to accept Karna. And Pitamah Bhishm was trying to explain him.
"Enough Dusasan. When elders are talking who are you to interrupt?" Bhishm asked.
"I am the Yuvraj of Hastinapur. Who are you to question me?" Dusasan asked arrogantly.
Pitamah lowered his head. This was the only respect left of him between the princes. But Duryodhan treated him respectfully.
Duryodhan held Dusasan's hand as in to stop him for speaking any further.
"And by the way, Dusasan, you were so banished for one month, right. So why did you come back? It has not even been one week." Nakul asked.
"Um... I was sick so I returned back with Pitaji's permission." Dusasan answered confidently.
Even though Shakuni was not there, he had taught him well to hide lies and answer cleverly.
"Were you really sick or made the excuse of sickness so that you can return back?" Arjun asked while raising his one brow up.
"And by the way I don't think so you look sick?" (*And it is not an expression. Those who have watched Big Hero 6 will get me here. ) said Sahdev.
"I think we have a bigger and important matter in hand now rather than thinking about someone is sick or not." Karna said to divert the topic.
Obviously he did not wish to have the throne or any high post in the court. He only wanted the matter to finish off fast. Only one decision he needed either to stay or go.
But Draupadi, whenever he saw her beautiful face , he thinks that that girl deserves more than she is getting.
Her life has changed completely since she got married. Not even three days had passed that Father died. Not even two days had passed since that incident that Mother died. And in the next days she was in the forest living in exile. She, who had spent her whole life in royal lap.
Karna could see that Draupadi was feeling nervous and uneasy in that court. Sweats were forming on her forehead. Maybe it was the crowd or maybe some suffocation or Maybe it was some memory.
But we all know the truth. Even though Draupadi does not remember her past life, her subconscious mind still remember the shameful day at this court and hence, she was scared.
But this truth no-one knew.
"I think Karna should be given a kingdom to rule. " Pitamah said. "He also has equal rights to rule."
"The grandfather is right." said Vidur in agreement. "The pandavas must be given a piece of the kingdom of Hastinapur or atleast Anga ."
Suddenly Dusasan's eyes widened and he smirked.
"Wait, if this is the case, I should be allowed to select which piece of land they will get. " Dusasan said.
Arjun found something fishy when Dusasan said that. He was going to ask but suddenly Dhritrashtra interrupted.
"Let Dusasan choose the land. I am sure he will choose while taking care of the needs of his cousins." Dhritrashtra said calmly.
On hearing that Nakul laughed a little, but it was audible to everyone, "If he would get the chance, he won't even give us a piece of land equal to the tip of needle." Nakul said while laughing.
When Duryodhan heard it,  he got a random memory, that he said those lines once. But it was a blur. He didn't make out anything from it. So he shrugged off his thoughts.
"Nakul stop." Karna said.
"Sorry Bhratashree." Nakul said apologetically.
"I want to give them Khandav area. See I am giving them a large area and keeping Hastinapur, a small area with me. Am I not kind? " Dusasan said.
Sahdev coughed on hearing this and other Pandavas were in shock.
"OK the decision is final. Pandavas get the Khandava region and Dusasan gets Hastinapur. Pandavas will leave tomorrow. Court dispersed." Dhritrashtra said fastly and closed the matter there and then.

The Pandavas family except Kunti moves to Arjun's room.
"So..... " Karna said with questioning look.
"So.... " Nakul said with a answering tone and looked towards Sahdev.
"So......?" Sahdev again said.
"What so, so is going on here? We have an important matter now. Kaurava gave us Khandava to rule. And kakashree agreed also. And what he was saying. Am I not kind? (mimics Dusasan for this line) " Arjun said in anger while pacing around the room.
"Calm down, Arjun. At least he has given something to us. Let's think about it calmly. OK. " Karna said.
"Bhrata Arjun is right. Khandava is just a piece of barren land and some even say it is cursed." Nakul said seriously.
"Can I interrupt? " Draupadi asked.
The Pandavas looked towards her.
"See we are atleast given the Khandava to rule. It is time to show the Kaurava our worth. We can make a kingdom from nothing. We can Show the world how talented we are and prove everyone that Pandavas are worth it for a kingdom. " Draupadi said.
It filled them with motivation and confidence.
"Aapki baate sunkar aankh me aansu aa gye, Bhabhishree. (I got tears in my eyes after listening to your speech.) " Sahdev said in a dramatic way and wiped off the fake tears.
"Done, your mellowdrama is done. " Nakul asked.
"Yes... "Sahdev said in a crying tone and again wiped off the tears.
Nakul then hit him on the arm and Sahdev too did the same. They soon started fighting.
"Stop both of you. Draupadi is right. This is the time to show our worth." Karna said.

Precap: "I name it 'The palace of illusions' " Draupadi said.

Update after sooooooo long.
As I mentioned exam were going on and then Holi, so sorry.
Next update soon.

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